(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) People have a tendency to speak with fainted lips. It's just they don't really mean it. They just want to make themselves look good or sound good to God. And it's really, really, really, really important that you be real, not just in front of other people, but to God. I mean, he's talking about, you know, attend unto my cry. Give ear unto my prayer. Like I'm going to you, Lord. I'm asking you for something. You know, God can see through your hypocrisy. God could see through being fake. God could see through in like all the way into your heart. So be real with God. He wants you to come to him in truth and not have fainted lips and fake it like you need to be real with him. It's kind of sad that you should even that I should even have to say something like that, but I feel compelled. I have to because of how many people are out there that that do the exact opposite. They their heart is not right. And we see over and over again how many people there are that will that will pray and cry unto the Lord out of fainted lips. And if you want God to hear you, that's why you're saying hear me because I'm not speaking with with fain lips. I'm not I'm not faking it. This is real, Lord. Please hear me and listen to me. Verse two, let my sentence come forth from thy presence. Let thine eyes behold the things that are equal. So the sentence is not the sentence of his words. It's talking about the sentence like a judgment, right? Like someone, you know, a sentence being carried out. Let the let my sentence come forth from thy presence. So he's asking, you know, judge me in whatever my sentence is. Let that come forth from you. You want to be judged from other people. We want God, you know, judge me, Lord. Let thine eyes behold the things that are equal. So he's just asking for equality and good and right judgment and justice, which, of course, we know we get from the Lord anyways. But he's just you know, he's he's bringing that in to his prayer, because as we continue to go through this, he's going to give these reasons why, like, hey, I'm doing right. I want some some some equity here. Give me good judgment. You know that I'm not I'm not faking this. This is real, Lord. I'm not being wicked. You know, I'm doing what's right. And all these other things we see. Look at verse number three says, Thou has proved mine heart. So he's like, you know, my heart, you've tested it, you proved it. You know what's in my heart. And we see the confidence here in the psalmist and Psalm 17 of knowing what's in his own heart and being confident and going to God and saying, God, you proved my heart. I'm not faking this. You know, this is real. So please give me good judgment. And any buddy who's living right and is and is doing what you're supposed to be doing, you know, ought to have the boldness to be able to go to the Lord and and, you know, be able to ask for things and cry unto the Lord, seek him, pray unto him, but do so in integrity of heart. If you really want prayers to be heard and answered, you have to go to God with integrity of heart, which means, you know, here you're not faking the things he's saying, but on the other hand, you're actually listening to what the Lord's saying as well. You're doing you're doing both right. You're communicating truthfully and you're open to being receptive, to being corrected from the word of the Lord and everything you're doing. God knows your heart, right? Thou has visited me in the night. Thou has tried me and shalt find nothing. Saying, I know you're not going to find like some some major faults and flaws within me because I've been doing good. You visited me in the night. You think about the night is a time where you were kind of like when you're all alone, there's no one else around. You don't have any any reason to put on a show for anyone. It's like, you know, me, even in the night, you know me all alone. You've seen my heart and you've tried me. You've tested me. You've checked my heart. And you're not going to find anything there. You're going to find anything amiss, anything wrong, any reason not to listen to me. And then he goes on to say this, and this is a really strong statement here at the end of verse three. I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress.