(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And we're gonna look at this new covenant which was prophesied all the way back in the Old Testament This isn't something that was new that was just like Unexpected that no one knew that this was going to happen when Jesus came on the scene This is something that's been prophesied and it's important to note that too that Jesus wasn't just like some cult leader that just gathered his following and and oh man, everyone just followed him and and just kind of created his own religion the The Bible spoke of Jesus Christ actually every single book of the Bible is about Jesus Christ and References Jesus Christ the Bible says, you know when he was when Jesus was talking to the Pharisees who rejected him You know, they claim to believe in Moses. They claim to believe the Old Testament They claim to believe in this old covenant, but he said hey if you believe Moses you'd believe me Because he spake of me says Moses taught about Jesus Christ We saw the gospel was preached unto Abraham. They knew the gospel they knew that salvation did not come by following all of the laws Written in the Bible and we're gonna see that as we go through scripture tonight. So try to stay with me Hey, I hope it doesn't, you know come across too dry or too dull But just try to stick with me on this because these are really important doctrines to make sure that you just have down settled Really good and there's a lot of really cool things That the Bible explains the Old Testament really well when we get a New Testament, but I want to start off here We started in Jeremiah 31 just to show you the reference all the way back in the book of Jeremiah and the Old Testament Talking about the New Covenant or the New Testament that was to come look at verse number 31 The Bible reads behold the days come saith the Lord That I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah So already he's talking about another covenant that's going to come and why is he talking about a new one? Look at verse 32 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers In the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt So what is he referring to here when he when he delivered them out of Egypt? That's what happened in Exodus Okay The Exodus from Egypt is what the book of Exodus is about when Moses leads them through out of Egypt Into the wilderness and then ultimately into the Promised Land That's when Moses receives the Ten Commandments and all the rest of the commandments from God and all the Levitical Commandments and everything that we see in the first five books of the Bible is generally speaking That's the covenant. He's saying it's not gonna be like that covenant. It's not according to that covenant that I made with their fathers He says continuing on in verse number 32 Which by the way my covenant they break Right makes a very important point here saying they didn't keep that covenant They broke that covenant that covenant is no good I'm not going to just make a new one with them that because that they're not going to be able to keep again No I make a new covenant with them because that old covenant is not going to be according to that manner which my covenant they break Although I was and husband unto them saith the Lord verse 33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my People and they shall teach no more every man is neighbor and every man is brother saying know the Lord For they shall all know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them saith the Lord For I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more this new covenant is is Tied in hand in hand with salvation with your sins being completely forgiven now It's not that people weren't saved by grace in the Old Testament they were They were looking forward to that new covenant They were they were putting their trust in a Savior that hadn't come yet, but it was still by grace It was not of their works It was putting their faith in the Lord to save them is how they were saved But it really wasn't accomplished Temporally speaking as far as in time until Jesus Christ came, right? We know that he's a lamb slain from the foundation of the world and God's outside of time But in our human experience for everything that we think of and everything that we do is based on time I mean, we're looking forward. We're looking backwards in time. Jesus Christ hadn't come yet and Even though they knew he was to come that's what they were putting their faith in But he was explaining that that covenant is yet to come That Christ is yet to come and that he was going to bring the salvation and bring this forgiveness And he says I'm gonna forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more and you know what that's what forgiveness is By the way, it's when you remember it no more And this is just a complete side note But if you want to forgive somebody of something in your life You have to be able to forgive and forget forgetting is part of that forgiveness if you go and Continually rehash and bring something up that someone did against you even though you say you forgiven them and you just oh But remember when you did that or you get in an argument and you just keep on bringing up something that someone done to you You didn't forgive them That's not real forgiveness Even if you said you were gonna forgive them way back when every time you bring you're not you didn't forgive them Forgiveness is I'm gonna forgive their iniquity and like about this here and I will remember their sin no more Thank God that God is able to truly forgive our sins Not only does he say I'm gonna forgive your sins, but I'm not even gonna remember them anymore They're out the window. They're gone when you're washed in the blood of Jesus Christ of all your sins They're gone and they're gone forever. They're gone for good. God's not gonna bring them back up to you when you die You're not gonna be like, you know, I've heard some people say oh you're gonna you know God's gonna play back your whole life and you're gonna have to answer for everything you've ever done as a saved person No He's I'm not remember there. Why would God just bring up all of your sins if the Bible says here I'm gonna remember their sin no more You know, you're not gonna have to just just give I mean, what are you gonna say I Was stupid. I mean what like is there a good answer for sin? Of course not. I mean think about a thing about a child trying to answer why they broke your rules There's never a good answer you should have done that I guess I shouldn't have done that. I don't know. What do you say?