(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Verse number four every man praying or prophesying having his head covered Dishonored his head, but every woman that prayeth or prophesyeth with her head uncovered Dishonored her head for that is even all one as if she were shaven now there are people that believe in in a false doctrine that believe in what's known as head coverings and They'll turn to this passage and say see because you start reading and it says okay Every man praying prophesying having his head covered So when they read that they say oh, well if your head's covered that must mean with a hat Now if we didn't read the rest of the passage I can see where you'd get that Because it's not very specific and when you think about covering your head you probably for your first guess would probably be well I'm gonna put a head. I'm gonna cover my head So you've got people that think that men should not wear a hat But that the ladies if they're not covered Then that is a dishonor that she should Have her head covered and wear a hat so that's why you'll see certain religion will have ladies wearing bonnets Right you have a nice lady's hat And they'll go into church and men are not wearing a hat or at least they'll take them off when they go into church But that's not what this is talking about at all section has nothing to do with wearing of hats and the the Bible itself defines what it's talking about when it talks about Your head being covered and we even get just a little bit of that from verse number five there at the end It says we'll reread verse number five, but every woman that pray the prophesied with her head uncovered dishonored her head For that is even all one as if she were shaven So it's basically saying that if you're if your head's not if the woman's head is not covered. It's like she's bald. It's like she's shaven Why would it be like that if it's if it's only talking about wearing a hat well, we'll get into that There's a much more strong evidence here Let's keep reading verse number six for if the woman be not covered let her also be shorn so now it's saying okay If a woman doesn't have her head covered then just shave it all a shave all of her hair off let her be shorn That's pretty strict again if we're just talking about wearing a hat That seems they just seem a little odd doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me, but if it be a shame For a woman to be shorn or shaven let her be covered now. I know we're in a bizarre culture in a weird world today But wouldn't you say? That even today It would be a shame for a woman to be walking around bald To have her head just completely shamed Shaved shaven or shorn. I mean even today even the world right people and then there are there's some women that Undergo, you know chemotherapy, and they have these treatments, and it makes their hair fall out But typically they don't walk around With with with their head looking like that. They'll put on a wig they'll put something else on why because they feel ashamed they feel Embarrassed to go out looking like that because it's something natural The God is instilled in us And again, we'll see that as we keep going here But he's always saying look if it's a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven which it is Let her be covered for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of God But the woman is the glory of the man now look at the this the difference here again between the creation of man in God's image And the woman who's there to glorify the man who isn't helped meet for the man. There is a difference there Verse number eight for the man is not of the woman But the woman of the man it means that the woman was created from The man because God took the rib out of Adam and made woman he didn't make man from the woman He did it the other way around. That's what that verse is saying And that says in verse 10 for this calls out the woman have power on her head because of the angels Don't ask me what that verse needs. I still don't know exactly what he's talking about with the angels there We'll get back to that on another day. Hopefully soon verse number 11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman neither the woman without the man in the Lord for as the woman is of the man Even so is the man also by the woman, but all things of God now look at verse number 13 judging yourselves Is it coming that a woman pray unto God uncovered verse 14 doth not even nature itself teach you? I was just saying it's natural for a woman to kind of feel ashamed or embarrassed When she's when she her head is completely shaving and it doesn't have any hair Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him Now first of all regardless of what you believe on this covering of the head or uncovering of the head We've got a pretty clear statement right here saying that hey men. It's a shame for you to have long hair Doesn't even nature tell you that it's a shame for a man to have long hair And again, that's a true statement, too. I Can't tell you how many times you know as an unsaved kid just living in the world You see guys walking around with long hair, and they look like a girl. I'll tell you what that's a shame It's a shame to look like a sissy. It's a shame to look like a fag It's a shame to look like just some woman walking down the street when you're actually a man right Why is it shame is a visit because we look down on women no, it's because we love women But there ought to be have a difference between women and men No one wants to be deceived into thinking that you're looking at a woman. You're actually looking at a man It's weird it's a shame