(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) example like so many in the New Testament of all the miracles that Jesus performed God is so powerful you know we think of power we think of might think about some instance where you might experience some level of great power on a high scale or high magnitude and I think of things like natural disasters you think of tornadoes hurricanes earthquakes there's a lot of power and might behind these these naturally occurring events right if anyone's ever been especially in the midst of anything like that that can strike fear into your heart really quickly because there are forces involved that are 100% outside of your control that you can't really do anything about except pray to God that he'll keep you safe you know through these these major massive storms and an example in Luke chapter 8 you have to turn there I'm just gonna I'm just gonna summarize it when you know Jesus is on the boat with his disciples and there's this huge storm in our middle of this great tempest in the middle of the sea and Jesus is asleep and people who are even experienced seamen Peter James John they're fishermen they've been out on the sea they've dealt with this stuff on a regular basis they're starting to get scared and they're going like master master we're gonna die this storm is so bad we're gonna die we're gonna perish they were fearful because of all this this your power of the storm outside a boat and Jesus wakes up what does he do he rebukes the wind and and just makes it go calm just so this great force in nature that we see Jesus is able to squash it just without batting an eye why because he's all-powerful because God is almighty and that even the the most powerful things that we could imagine and think of are like nothing for God and think about God as a creator how did how did everything come to exist Genesis 1 tells us in the beginning God said right day one God said let there be like God said and it was so God said and it was so God said let the land appear God said that's all he had to do how powerful is that I mean creating everything that exists just by speaking it into existence that demonstrates again the the all-powerful almightiness of God Isaiah 44 is where I do turn look at verse number 24 Bible reads thus saith the Lord thy Redeemer and he that formed thee from the womb I am the Lord that maketh all things so right I mean just right off the bat I'm gonna stop kind of as we're reading through this because there's so many even just little phrases that just go and speak volumes to the power of God thus saith the Lord thy Redeemer so he's the one who saves and he that formed me from the womb God forms every human being every person from the womb God is the one forming and shaping and fashioning every child in every womb for every person who's ever been born God is the one doing that God's got his hand in the womb yet wicked people today want to go in and cut out and kill what God is forming and fashioning in that womb and called abortion and call a choice and say oh no my body my choice not your body it's God's body that's God's person that he created in that womb and who you think you are going in and trying to kill that person who God has his hand forming and fashioning and shaping and and forming inside the womb murderer