(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There's a there's a judgment seat that God has there's a judgment seat that God sits on but you know There's also a mercy seat That is that is talked about all throughout the Bible as well so God, you know, there's there's two different seats that God could be seeing that judgment seat and a mercy seat and I It just so Sorry, I'm trying to find the right words it's just Demonstrates These various qualities of God that that Are definitely unique an individual but all make up and comprise? Who God is that he's not all just one or the other he's not all just mercy. It's not all just judgment God encompasses mercy and judgment and We're not even going to go into all the verses about the mercy seat and the in the Old Testament But that was another big thing and you could look up a lot about that. Look at Exodus 34 though. We're look at verse number five The Bible reads and the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there and proclaimed the name of Lord and The Lord passed by before him and proclaimed the Lord the Lord God merciful and gracious long suffering and abundant in goodness and truth keeping mercy for thousands Forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin and that will by no means clear the guilty Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and upon the children's children unto the third and to the fourth generation Now what's interesting in this passage is because you're gonna find many people giving attributes unto God Through God's Word, which is still has authority, but here we see Inverse 6 it says the Lord passed before him and proclaimed. So this is God just speaking the Lord proclaiming About himself and this is what he says it says and proclaimed and then we have that comma. This is what he's saying the Lord the Lord God So God's like announcing his presence saying the Lord the Lord God Merciful and gracious long suffering and announcing who he is So as he's just just Proclaiming himself. Hey, the Lord's here and the Lord is merciful and gracious and long suffering and abundant in goodness and truth keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin all Great attributes things that we ought to really really really love about God But then he follows that up with the last part and that will by no means clear the guilty Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children upon the children children on the third and the fourth generation and He adds in there basically that part about his judgment lest you forget You know with all of this goodness and with all of this graciousness and with all this mercy, you know, don't forget Hey, I'm still gonna visit the sins. I'm still gonna not hold them guiltless And you say well, how can that even be? How does that happen? Well, I mentioned this Last week, but it's worth mentioning again. God can have his mercy and grace and long-suffering while still being a just God and There's there's it's it's a multifaceted Quality of God and Even our sin is multifaceted as well So what I mean by this is when we sin First of all, there is an eternal punishment. There's an eternal judgment for our sin, which is Hell death the lake of fire, okay That is an eternal punishment that we all deserve for our sins right Jesus Christ came and made the payment in full and was punished For Our sins to pay off that debt That we owe because of our sin because we're guilty and we deserve to pay that debt. Jesus Christ came and paid that for us That is one aspect as one element of sin and justice and judgment that is completely Taken care of in God's plan for our salvation that there's still judgment being executed It's executed upon Jesus Christ for those that have accepted the payment that he made for us and for those that have rejected the payment Then they pay for that themselves However, there's also a justice and a judgment for God's children That is apart from the eternal consequences. That is apart from the punishment of hell. That is the temporal that is the the the the current You know when you're reaping what you sow When when you're doing wrong and you're gonna have bad come upon you when God has a chase in you and discipline you For being disobedient and for going off and disobeying his commandments. There is also that element of justice and chastisement that that God has