(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There's an expectation that we need to retain and understand that while God is our defender and He is there to save us, there will still be some times where we go through difficulties and tribulations and persecutions and times where it's going to look like the enemy wins and maybe in a short-term sense or a short-term perspective, they do win, right? If you consider maybe being cast into prison, oh, the enemy prevailed, yeah, on a real short scale they did, right? But those are the moments where you might be questioning and going, where's God? Similar to John the Baptist, when he was cast into prison and he said, he sent his disciples to ask Jesus, aren't thou the one that we're looking for or do we look for another? He doubted and had a moment of doubt because of him being arrested and put into prison and also probably just from a false understanding of what he thought the Savior was going to do when he came the first time. See, we as New Testament believers and having had all the Scripture completely at our disposal and all the time to study it and learn from different teachers, we've got a lot more understanding than they did back then. Going with just Old Testament knowledge, there's prophecies of Jesus Christ's first coming and second coming, both in Old Testament. So being able to discern between both was harder for them to do. They didn't have as much light shed on the word as we have today. So a lot of the Jews at the time that were looking for a Christ, looking for the Messiah, were looking for the Christ to come and then to set up his kingdom and to rule and reign. And that's what a lot of them were looking for. And that's why I think John the Baptist had a lapse of faith, just going like, well, wait, if he's the Messiah and at first it's great, there's all the miracles, we were getting saved. But then it's just kind of like, well, why am I in prison then? When are you going to set up the kingdom? When are you going to deliver us from all of our enemies and kick Rome out of here and just set up your kingdom? I think that's where some of the doubt came from, it's just a lack of understanding. But of course Jesus answered them, hey, the blind are receiving their sight, the deaf hear, the poor of the gospel preach unto them, just let them know, remind them, no, I'm still the right guy, right? But he just didn't have a good understanding of what all is to come and what everything is going to entail. So keeping that same perspective is important for us as well, that life is not going to be a bed of roses. And when people portray Christianity as just being like, oh man, because on the one hand it's absolutely 100% true, all of your problems are solved when you go to Christ in the sense that your worst problems are definitely solved because you're not going to go to hell anymore. And if you look at it in comparison to every other problem you might possibly have, what else is there when you know that you're saved from hell, you're saved from the punishment of your sins, and that you have eternal life. But on the other hand, you know, you can't take that truth and just apply it in the sense that like, well, you're not going to have any troubles or trials in this life, you know, of course you will. So we need to understand that as well. And it's not necessarily a matter of God forsaking you when you go through hard times.