(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In Proverbs chapter 6 the Bible tells us how much God hates lying. Proverbs 6 16 these six things that the Lord hate yea seven are an abomination unto him. Abomination is strong language. It's a strong utter hatred. It says a proud look a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood and heart that deviseth wicked imaginations feet that be swift and running to mischief a false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among brethren. That's why the Bible says six things that the Lord hates seven are an abomination unto him. It lists seven things. Lying is mentioned twice. Two times. And just as much as God is true and God gives us the truth and God gives God goes through efforts to make sure that his word is preserved and that we can have his word and when God makes a promise he is sure to make sure it comes to pass and that we rely on him as being faithful. So if God says you have eternal life you have no reason to doubt about that. On the flip side what we should be able to do we should have our word matter as well. That's why in God's Commandments he tells us that when you vow a vow defer not to pay it. When you say something when you make a statement when you make a claim hey that ought to mean something to you. Don't be one of these people that just rattles off the mouth and your words don't really mean anything. We have a God whose word every single word that comes out of God's mouth matters and is true and is right and can never fail it's never contradictory. Look we're not perfect but we really ought to do a much better job of making sure that the words that we speak can be relied on can be viewed as faithful can be true. That if someone were to come to us and say well I heard you say this and I heard you say that you ought to be able to stand by that and that means you have to be very careful with the words that you say and how many words you say. The Bible says a fool's voice is known by a multitude of words. Where in the multiple words are lacketh not there wanteth not sin. It's real easy to start saying things that are not true and just start repeating things that aren't true even if you don't know but you're just raw this is what I heard you start repeating things that's not how God is God doesn't just repeat things of course God is the source of all truth and wisdom and knowledge but we need to be careful we're gonna try to be true and faithful as Jesus is true and faithful that we are very careful with our words and we treat our words with respect.