(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Here's another another passage or James chapter 2 look at verse number 1 about some months your assembly a man with a gold ring in Goodly apparel and they're coming also a poor man in vile raiment And you have respect to him that we're at the gay clothing and say unto him sit thou here in a good place And say to the poor Stand out there sit here under my footstool. Are you not then partial in yourselves and are become judges of evil thoughts? Watch Out for for giving the preferential treatment to people in this in this instance That just like have money or just that look good or look nice, you know That person wearing the gay clothing. It's not talking about queer clothing. Okay, and so it's actually the real word gay They're the happy. It's a good cheerful clothing. It's a you know To Be something nice someone walks in and be like, oh wow, they're they're dressed real sharp. They're dressed really nice They've got their suit and tie on. Oh, come on up right here and you greet that guest and you give them Wow, look at you. You're so nice your family comes in You're holding your Bible in your hand and you know what praise God for the people that come in like that Right. I'm thankful when people come in like that. That's great But you know what when someone else comes in and they don't look the same way You don't just right off the bat. Just go like oh well I don't really want anyone to see this person that you could sit over there, you know, well, you know How about you just stand over here? That's wicked Okay, and then you're acting with a holier-than-thou attitude You know that person needs God just as much as the person that you greeted and brought in and put in the best seat in The house just because they're dressed nice Now if someone's actions speak different on how they ought to be treated then that's different but you don't just Just judge the person that comes in because they're not wearing nice clothing or whatever I think I heard somewhere and I guess I don't know this to be a hundred percent true for a fact But it wouldn't shock me at all that I know I do know that they sell tickets for like the Joel Osteen show You know the the they call it church but it's more of like a talk show or whatever kind of a self-help type of a motivational speech, but They they I've I've heard it somewhere I don't know if it was some like some expose thing or whatever where they kind of put good-looking people where the cameras are like where they're broadcasting and There's only certain people that get those seats and then like other people Have to sit under the footstool so to speak and just kind of off in the the darker corners of the they still want their money so they're gonna let them in but you know, they've got a They've got to sit farther away and especially if they don't have as much money, you know It might be harder to get the plate to that they're still gonna pass the plate probably like four times while they're sitting there, but Just not in in the posh seat in the uppermost room at feasts And that's what the Pharisees were all about and there's plenty of people out there that like that that are into that There's a lot of wicked people Pharisees were big on that that's and Jesus rebuked them up and down For that same attitude we ought not to have that same type of an attitude love the law. Yes Walk an integrity of heart. Yes, you know try not to be a hypocrite, of course But if you're sincere Then you should be I mean You're gonna be doing as as well as you can if you're sincere in that faith If it's not just a front if it's not just a show And the Pharisees it was just a show it was just a religious thing and they liked the the praise of men more than the praise of God But this is what drives people away as a holier-than-thou attitude and I understand that Because I don't want to be a bunch of people who are holier than thou and judging every little thing that you do If it's just the minutia and you know the Pharisees there there are they would love to boldly proclaim How much they tithe of their anise and cumin and you know and all the littlest things But they they omit the weightier matters of the law judgment mercy and faith