(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This is an entire sermon in and of itself and this is really deceptive and really important because this is how many people will try to back door works into salvation and Ultimately what is point four we're gonna go through it the same way. I did the other points this morning We're gonna look up the passages. He's trying to use to support his argument. I'm gonna explain why his arguments are wrong We're gonna see all the scripture on this but what what it has to do with it surrounds Believers having works and like having those works kind of be evidence and The the big problem with this is when people are looking at your works for salvation You know, it's what was your salvation based on I mean, is it based on your works? Then it would make sense if you're looking at works if your salvation is based on your works to look at the works Inherently lordship salvation is based on works. That's what they teach That's what we saw this morning, which is why they're so focused on the works But we need to be careful and look out for all of this You know so called a fruit inspection where people are looking at people's works to determine whether or not a person saved as Opposed to their belief if it's truly your belief that saves and isn't them natural thing to look to see if someone saved is Well, hey, where is your faith? Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh now, obviously people can lie We know that but if you want to know what someone believes you ask them If you're gonna look at a sinner and Identify that they're sinning. Well, you've identified that they're a sinner. Congratulations. I don't care who you're talking to I don't care if you're looking at John MacArthur himself. Guess what? He's a sinner and if you look at his life close enough if you're allowed to get closer If you're gonna find all kinds of wickedness in his life But he doesn't want you to see that I'm sure he doesn't want to be inspected the same way that he's saying that oh, well, you're gonna have this you have that we're gonna look at this and and and I really we're just gonna spend a lot of time because Mainly on this point is a couple others I think I'm probably gonna get to but this is the one I really wanted to make sure we got through so we're gonna we're Gonna tackle this one This evening now his fourth point. Excuse me starts off By stating scripture teaches that real faith, right then I'm adding the quotes real faith inevitably produces a changed life now as With all of his writings. It's extremely deceptive so you could word things in a way where it's like yeah, that's true But it depends on your definition of the words and what you teach about that Do I believe that real faith? Inevitably produces a changed life. Yes, I do because Real faith produces a born-again spirit. There is a new that that is in I mean you want to talk about changed life you have a new spirit. So yes, that is in a very significant change Very powerful change. I mean having that new man to be able to please God and to do all kinds of things through the power Of God yes, that is significant a significant life that that exists now in a new believer So yes, we believe in a changed life. And yes, you have to have you know real faith. I Mean as opposed to fake faith, I guess is what it would be but that would just be a liar I mean faith is faith. We don't need to qualify it by saying real faith faith is faith You hey, you either have faith in Christ or you don't Right if you have faith, it's real faith But see he wants to put real faith on there because he only considers real faith as if you can see you doing works Otherwise, it's not real faith