(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It hits home when I was preparing for this especially after going there just thinking like man, you know We're I'm gonna get into this a little bit later so I don't want to I don't want to steal the Thunder too early, but he talks about God's thoughts towards us and and You know how good the Lord is to us and how amazing you know the changes that God can make in your life and The truth that he gives us and the directions he gives us to follow is all for our benefit. It's all for our good He loves us. He cares about he thinks about us. I mean, that's why we're here. You know, I don't want to ever lose sight Why are we even gathering together? You know you can become too habitual to just fall into a routine and almost do things robotically Right in the Christian life. You got all these things like man. I got to do this. I got to do this I got to do this and those are good things. Look I believe in having standards I believe in making sure that you know We're trying to keep ourselves from sin and and we're doing as much as we can and trying to keep that but don't let yourself just slip into just being in like autopilot mode and forgetting the whole reason But you know the spirit behind it the Lord behind it and and it's not just becoming a set of do's and don'ts instead of rules but you know, we're serving a Savior and Should be excited about that and should be thankful for that and you know as we read the scripture tonight You know let that sink in and just hit home verse number one. Let's get into the chapter verse number one above reads I waited patiently for the Lord and He inclined unto me and heard my cry and this is one of the things I think that we need to remember Anytime especially when we're in trouble and we need help and we're seeking God to help us that we wait patiently for the Lord because his timing is not always our timing and We don't want to be too quick to run to the to the answers of the flesh to Just our own Works and our own instruments to try to get things done when we're in help, but that we can patiently wait for the Lord to come in and not doubt and Not waiver and not lose our faith and not get discouraged but that we wait patiently Because the Bible says that he you know, he hears us There's a reason why Jesus Christ said ask and you shall receive, you know and then that God is willing and and listening and ready and wants to hear your faith your your your prayers unto him and Like he says here. I waited patiently for the Lord and he inclined unto me and heard my cry We want to you know, we want to be the children I you know I bring up this now all the time because it's in scripture so much it called the Bible refers to the father God as being a father right and we know there's a father the son and the Holy Ghost But we also know that we are spiritually born again we become children of God Through Jesus Christ and that we are adopted children and that we have we become heirs and have an inheritance with the Lord So there's nothing wrong about calling the Lord our father also and having that father-son relationship and When we bring that up, I think of you know as us all being children Waiting for your father patiently All right, so we know how kids have a tendency to act when they want something I want it now. I want to give give it to me now. I don't want this now I don't want to wait for it, right? But the good child is going to be able to wait patiently, you know what the one who waits patiently is going to get the best reward too and the father's gonna Gonna listen to them and incline their ear unto them In answer better for them, that's why I believe the verse number two The Bible says he brought me up also out of an horrible pit Out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings I mean talk about the reasons to praise the Lord right here and again Psalm we're reading this as it's written We're reading this as the Word of God but it's a song book of Psalms is a song book and this is meant to be sung and What great doctrine we have but what great reason to praise he brought me up out of an horrible pit And this reminds me of the verse. I was having such a hard time trying to quote this just before service today John 5 24 literally my favorite verse in the entire Bible And I'm going well, you know this just fumbling with it before service But what what I love about that verse the Bible says Verily verily I say unto you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and Shall not come into in the condemnation, but is past from death unto life and that last part of the verse is passed from death unto life while we pass from death and life because Before you got saved as a sinner you're headed towards death. You're headed towards hell You're headed towards that horrible pit that the Bible refers to as the bottomless pit of hell And that is what we deserve as sinners and that's what we're bound to Until you find Christ and put your trust in him put your faith in him and he frees you from that disastrous Punishment and he'll lift you up out of that miry clay and he'll take you from being headed towards death unto life and Establishes you and sets you on that solid rock and when your faith is on that solid rock you can't be moved