(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) that's their history and Ellen why I mean I could go on and on and I mean we could I could literally go on for hours and I spent a lot of time researching this stuff and trying to decide what I want to include what I didn't want to include you look at the life of Ellen White that lady and I don't even have it she she plagiarized she claimed to be this prophet of God but she also had very minimal education I don't remember recall exactly what level of education she had but it was grade school right just grade school education yet her writings had a great vocabulary so they would say oh well I mean obviously God's you know working through her because she's able to write this stuff that she doesn't even have the education for well no no actually she was a ripoff artist and this is well documented and and I I saw for myself I don't just want to come up and make accusations I don't have the source of oh you can look up the I think it's called the great white lie I believe that's the name of the book something white live and the guy's last name I think was ray and he he does comparisons of the actual works that she plagiarized with her books side by side and just shows I mean in one instance she literally copied like the table of contents and like all the chapters of her book were exactly the same as another book with like a tweak here or there I mean imagine yourself if you had a paper in high school that you to do research paper and you didn't want to do it and you wanted to play drives but you knew you had to like change some words to to not to try to not make it as obvious or you know whatever that's what she did but it's obvious right so the further teacher grading the paper it's obvious right you're a few words that you you switch the order on or changed up a little bit doesn't fly and in that book documents the all the time and she even she even stole images like literal images that they had in a book she copied that and put that in her book no credit no sourcing nothing I mean she took images she took sources so all this stuff she's producing so oh yeah God's using me she's just compiled from all these different theologians it's it's crazy it's crazy to me now I'm gonna get into and now look there are people even today that they reject Ellen White I'd actually talked to one out soul winning that was a seventh-day Adventist he's oh yeah I don't but I don't I don't you know subscribe to Ellen White and her teaching the stuff like that why you seventh-day Adventist I mean she was foundational in the movement even being a movement even being an organization and all the things that they believe in a espouse have come like from her she's a source but here is again from their Adventist org website part of they have their fundamental beliefs I think it's like the 28 fundamental beliefs okay this is there to this day this is their current fundamental beliefs number 10 is their experience the experience of salvation is a title here's what they say in infinite love and mercy God made Christ who knew no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might be made the righteousness of God now notice as we read through this you'll read a lot there's a lot of statements like this I agree with that yeah that's true yeah that's right and this is why it's so subtle and this is why it could be so dangerous for people caught up in these cults because there are so many things that they could have right but where they're wrong they're extremely wrong it's really bad I mean it's it's it's damnable heresy so continuing on it says led by the Holy Spirit we sense our need acknowledge our sinfulness which I agree with that we have to acknowledge our sinfulness we have to acknowledge that we're sinners and we deserve a punishment but then of course they say repent of our transgressions which lumps them in with every other false Christian religion that's out there and exercise faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord substitute and example and this is similar to what the Jehovah's Witnesses their New World Translation even says you know active faith exercise your faith exercise your faith or two which which is involved works right not just faith but exercising your faith which means doing something with your faith which is not what the Bible teaches I mean it does in certain areas right I mean doing good works and things but not for your salvation this is in completely in context of the experience of salvation exercise your faith and then says this saving faith comes through the divine power of the word and is the gift of God's grace which I didn't even realize they had any hints of Calvinism in in them but what they're saying is that this saving faith is the gift of God's grace that your faith is God's gift right so so that's what the Calvinist would say is that God's gift to you is that he's given you the faith in order to believe on him and that's where the Calvinist comes up with the you didn't do anything you didn't even put your faith on Christ because God gave you that gift to be able to believe on him therefore God chose you and you you're you know one at one of his chosen one of his elect because he gave you that gift to believe on him