(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In James 1 we're going to see here these are people that deceive themselves They deceive themselves they think oh, man. We got it made right. We've got all this stuff We've got all these riches, but they really don't they really are miserable. They're really wretched and poor and blind and naked But they think because they have these riches that they are so well off. They're just tricking. They're deceiving themselves It's all it is we've got the truth telling us one thing but you want to deceive yourself with the riches of this world and When you go back to the to the parable of the sower it talks about people who are deceived by the riches of the world that that's one of the people that that they end up not producing fruit and not doing anything because the cares of this world and The deceitfulness of the riches just draw them away so that they don't end up serving God James 1 verse number 22 the Bible reads, but be ye doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own Selves these are the people they're showing up the church. They're hearing God's Word, but they're not doing it And this is a problem in most churches today. It's making them lukewarm is that they may be hearing God's Word they may have someone standing behind a pulpit and Reading the Word of God although even that it's like you might hear one verse these days as Opposed to actually getting into the Word of God and studying the Word of God and preaching the Word of God And you got people just preaching their own opinions, but I digress again another thing It's another cause of this problem people need to be he not only hearing the Word of God You got to hear the Word of God. You're not even hearing the Word of God then Good luck Not only hearers But doers of the word Doers you got to do something with it If you're not you're just deceiving yourself you're tricking yourself It's one thing in your head to say oh, yeah, I believe that I agree with that It's another thing to live by it and to walk in the way not just A scent to it in your mind that oh, yeah, that's right Verse number 23 for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer He is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass so he's like look it's like looking in the mirror at your face verse 24 for he beholdeth himself and go with his way and Straight way forgetteth what manner of man he was So when you look at yourself in a mirror You're gonna be able to see all the problems all the imperfections you're gonna see the state that you're in Right the good the bad everything you can look in a mirror and you'll be able to see oh man No, I got I got all this hair growing out my nose this is me look in a mirror right hair growing out of my ears and all this stuff and I got to deal with all these different things and Or you've got some big boil or blister whatever. I've got all these different things I'm looking at I'm like hey, but there's still some hair. That's not great. It's cool. But um Whatever it is that you see in the mirror, you know when you go and you just say, okay great And then you just walk away. You just forget everything that you saw Those are the people who are the hearers of the word and not the doer see You can see it, but if you don't do anything about these problems that you're seeing Nothing changes, right? I mean, I know it's real simple But if you just hear God's Word, oh Yeah, that's right. Oh, that's a sin. Okay. Yeah But then you don't do anything about it See the Bible will shine the light on you Personally when we go through this book if it doesn't today, maybe it will next week if it doesn't next week It'll do the week, you know at some point you're gonna come across something Where you've got this this Word of God as this big mirror And I'm gonna be up here Reading the Word of God and preaching the Word of God and it's gonna shine on you and you're gonna be like, oh, oh, man Ooh I'm guilty of that. Oh God doesn't like that Hmm and you'll hear it here. You'll see it like the glass but if you don't do anything about if you just walk out of here and Just go on with your life and do Nothing to change and to improve and to and to fix What was reflected back on you from the Word of God you're just a hearer of the Word or not a doer