(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But let's keep reading here in Ezra chapter 3 verse number 1. It says they you know, they're coming together as one man They're unified to do this work and I'd really like to see our church to just come together and be unified moving forward to do a great work for the Lord and really be able to come together and And you know, I'm hoping to see a lot of people step up and be able to make extra sacrifices to Do the work of the Lord and look I'm not saying this thinking that people haven't already made sacrifices okay, I'm not downplaying anybody in particular or even in general of The amount of effort and work the people here are great and I love everyone here I just want to keep on moving forward and just instill this press even harder. Let's come together. Let's make more sacrifices Do more as a church as a group as a team together? to serve the Lord let's help each other and exhort one another to do that and to do more and You know, I'm taking this seriously for myself. I've already started making a list. We'll go over this probably this evening of Things that I want to see get done that I think is going to be beneficial for the church It's going to be helpful and I'm going to appreciate any ideas too that you might have because this is our church It's not my church. This is you know, I may be running things here administratively But everybody here is really important all of you as members have an important part to play in this church and I'm looking forward to getting more just What more can we do? So I say, you know what more we could do we could do so winning marathons I've you know got that in queue There's there's a bunch of things again I'm not going to go through all the list right now because there's there's Multiple things that we can be doing to try to reach more people Ultimately reaching more people the gospel of Jesus Christ changing lives Helping people to become better Christians, you know, basically the Great Commission That's our job and that's what we need to be focused on and how we're gonna come together I want us to come together as one man to our church and build and Rebuild and keep moving forward look at verse number two the Bible says then set up Joshua the son of Josadak and his brethren the priests and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and his brethren and builded the altar of the God of Israel to offer burnt offerings they're on as it is written in law Moses the man of God, so Their very first priority here is hey We need to build this altar and get right with God as far as these offerings are concerned right now obviously we're not doing You know building these altars and doing making these sacrifices But you know because Jesus Christ is our sacrifice But we started today with honoring the Lord Jesus Christ and and you know honoring what he did for us in the sacrifice that he made and And putting that first that was a primacy. That's something that we are putting him first Recognizing our Lord Jesus Christ to maintain the focus of what we're doing going forward they do, you know are doing something similar here with building the altar and Offering these burnt offerings are on and going right back This is as it is written in law of Moses So they're going back to scripture and doing everything the right way verse number three and they set the altar upon his bases for fear was upon them because of the people of those countries and They offered burnt offerings They're on unto the Lord even burnt offerings morning and evening They kept also the Feast of Tabernacles as it is written and offered the daily burnt offerings by number according to the custom as the duty of every day required and notice there in verse number three It says they set the altar upon his bases for fear was upon them because of people those countries So while they're in the midst of getting back into serving the Lord Newton sacrifices They were afraid of what the people of the country round about we're gonna do because remember they got taken captive and other people People kind of come in and and and we're living in an area and they're saying, you know We don't know what these people are gonna think or do to us because now we're bringing back Our you know serving the Lord and bringing back these sacrifices, but it but they did it anyways You know regardless of what might happen Someone might get upset because it's not their religion or whatever, you know, or are they gonna try to fight us? Who knows what's gonna happen? They did it. Anyways, they did it morning evening. They didn't hold back You