(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The multitude said this is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee and Jesus went into the temple and I love this part, too So now he's in the city and Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple So we first thing he comes in he's riding in he comes in he goes to the temple and as soon as he gets into the temple, he sees people buying and selling in the temple and It says he and overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold Doves and said unto them it is written my house shall be called the house of prayer But you have made it a den of thieves now. This isn't the first time that Jesus did this in the Gospel of John in John chapter 2 Which is like literally the beginning of Jesus ministry. He does virtually the same exact thing in the temple So it's interesting that after roughly three years three and a half years we see Jesus You know kind of starting his ministry and ending his ministry in the same way of kicking people out of the out of the temple That that are defiling the temple In John chapter 2 is right after the marriage when he when he did his first miracle of turning the water into wine, right? he just follows that up with going in and then there he makes a whip and And and drives the people out he whips the these the same group of people that are in there buying and selling now This is important to understand because there's some there's some incorrect teaching out there Because of the phrase where he says, oh you've made it a den of thieves or saying Oh, well, the reason why he was upset is because the people who were selling this stuff were you know? Gouging and not being honest and we're stealing from people and that's what made him upset No, that's not what made him upset because if that's all that made him upset if it was just some crooked people That were that were selling stuff there and not being honest about it Then why did he drive out those that sold and bought why did he sell out studio drive out the people who are buying stuff? There would be no reason for that I mean if it was if it was just those people who were ripping people off Why wouldn't he just drive those people out and these poor other innocent victims that are just they're trying to buy some doves For their sacrifices for the temple Why wouldn't why would he have to kick those people out because he wasn't upset because people were stealing money We have no evidence that anybody's ripping anybody off. In fact what they're doing here is The the things that they're selling they're buying and selling doves This isn't just like some dove pet shop set up in the temple where people go and oh I just want to bring a dove home with me. That's not what was happening This is all stuff related to the worship of God in the temple, okay, so think about it this way Let's bring it into modern terms. We don't do animal sacrifices anymore, but they did in the Old Testament So in the Old Testament if someone wanted to make a sack if they needed to make a sacrifice Maybe they they you know, they had some sin and they needed to do one of the sin offerings or Whatever whatever the offering is that they needed to do They need to make sure they got themselves some some turtle doves or some pigeons or a lamb or whatever the case is So they need to get that from somewhere So these people figure well, hey, let's set this up in the temple I mean people are coming to the temple in order to make sacrifices Let's just make it real convenient for them and we could you know, obviously they're making money at it they're they're they're buying and selling and changing money and You Know but the problem still wasn't with the Prophet either because again if it's just a prophet then why but why would he drive out? People who are buying stuff The problem is that they're doing this in the house of God That was the real issue. That's the real problem and in modern terms, it would be like, you know when you walk into our church We've got Bibles out there. We usually have DVDs and stuff and those are all You know things that you use that are better like church material, right? Things that could be used in the worship service things that could be used for God Well, if we were out there and we had a cash register set up and saying okay. Well, we're selling all this stuff now It wouldn't be any different than what was happening in the temple It's exactly the same thing, which is why we don't charge anyone for anything in this church. We have free materials We have free Bibles all the resources are free You want this song book that we're singing out of tonight take it home with you and use it to sing out of because we're Not going to sell you anything in this church because we're not going to change God's house Which is supposed to be a house of prayer it's supposed to be a place where people can just go to unadulterated and worship God and pray and Sing and fellowship without worrying about having to buy something Because that's not what God's house is about at all It's not about buying and selling you say yeah But they need to get their sacrifices for summer. Yeah, they need to get their sacrifice from somewhere But it's not gonna be done in the temple of God It's gonna be done somewhere else Go out in the store go out in the market go out and buy what you need to buy and then bring it in But it's not those transactions are not to be made in the house of God. Jesus Christ could not be clear about this He drove him out in John chapter 2. He made a wimp. He's throwing over their table I mean, when do you ever see Jesus behaving like this where he's literally just taking tables and throwing them over And he's making a big ruckus Okay, this is Jesus Christ of the Bible Be introduced to Jesus. Okay. This is he's not just coming in as a pacifist and And speaking real softly and going Oh children. This is not good But that's that's what the world would have you think about Jesus. No, he comes in and he's angry Because he sees what's going on He says no We're not gonna allow this in my father's house and it makes him mad and he comes in he's throwing the tables over there Get out of here Get out of the house of God. This is a house of prayer That's how Jesus acted You don't always understand that when you're just reading it But just stop and think about it for a minute if he's flipping over tables. How do you think he's acting? I've never seen someone calmly Flip over tables Right or calmly drive people out with a whip Okay, just stop and use some common sense