(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Getting punishment from God like you're never having these bad things happen to you as a result You might want to check that you're even born again That you're even a child of God Because if you never ever ever ever ever have gotten chastised and you just nope, nope You're a bastard you're not a son because God will discipline all of his children It happens Now it's not always immediate timing or something it's not like you say it and it's like boom like immediate But it ought to be there. I mean I could think back times in my life where And here's the way it works too because you're gonna be like, well, how do I know if it's of God or not? You'll know You'll know Because it's Going to be not normal what's gonna end up happening to you as what would happen to everybody else. I Remember getting severe punishment on something that I had done There was a crime that was punished for a long time ago something I did a long time ago and The punishment handed down on me like I was expecting to get what everybody else gets First offense, nope, and that lasted years Legal problems for years over something that in the world If when it's done, it's done Those are the types of things Okay That that you'll experience as a child of God and Man, what a headache What a bunch of problems that have to deal with But it means that God loves you and he wants to make it painful so you don't do it again So you could learn from it and just avoid it Because Here's the thing if you start doing bad things and you don't have it's not really a painful experience You'll be a lot more likely to continue going down that path and that's what you as parents You know your children they start doing things. It's like no no, no, we're gonna cut this off right now I don't want you going down even you know taking these steps down this path We're gonna deal with this now. You're gonna realize hey you start going this way. It's gonna be bad Now for you because in the end it will be bad if you can't catch it early on You know what? That's what God wants to do for you, too He wants to catch you when you're going down those paths and end up getting you some chastening and some punishment So that later on you can catch it and he gave fair warning to all these churches Let's learn from all these churches. Let's not become lukewarm. Let's not lose our zeal Let's not try to fit in with the world and say no, I don't want to be a peculiar people I just want to I want to have all these riches and money and wealth and that's all I care about We do that as a church God's not even gonna recognize us as a church anymore We need to maintain that zeal And you know what try to help stir up and fire up other people to become more zealous You know zealous is being zealous is infectious We all experienced that yesterday It's infectious it's great And I love that. Hopefully we were as much of encouragement to them as they were to us because I mean that was so great being around a whole bunch of people are fired up about serving God and That's the attitude. We need to keep we need to make God our master make sure we're serving him Keep ourselves unspotted from the world as much as possible and be a peculiar people