(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Children need to obey mom and dad okay yes dad is at the top within the family under God alone right but at that point you have mom and then you have the kids kids have to listen to mom and dad they are both authorities in their life and I don't care if it's a boy or a girl they're both subject unto mom in the household your house cannot stand if it's divided whatever role you play in the house don't cause division don't cause the strife because your house will fall eventually it's going to fall it's not going to can't last that way we need to work at keeping our household strong obviously you don't want to be the cause of your family falling apart and we know that there's going to be coming a time when houses will be divided divided when the love of many wax is cold the Bible says in Matthew 24 12 and because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold so there's gonna be a lot of people losing their love to the point because sin just abounds because people just getting so involved in sin and what does that show you when the people are so involved in sin they're involved in themselves people become very selfish because they're only thinking about them when people are just just giving themselves over and all sins are giving themselves over the lust of their own flesh they're just care about gratifying themselves as opposed to thinking about others and because of that their love waxes cold the love is gonna get cold and in mark 13 which is a parallel passage in Matthew 24 the Bible says in verse 12 now the brother shall betray the brother to death and the father of the son and children shall rise up against their parents and shall cause them to be put to death and ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that shall endure into the end the same shall be saved there's gonna be families split up especially in the end times that's why it's so much the more important and and in the context here they're betraying each other because the kids aren't believing in Jesus Christ and the parents are right or vice versa where you've got people who are saved because we were unsaved and they're delivering them up to be put to death hey they're ratting out the person who is a believer to the Antichrist right oh yeah my family they're there they're those believers work on getting the people in your family saved you don't got to worry about this now I have a whole nother section on the church being the other house but I'm not going to get into all of this just for sake of time tonight for homework you can read Ephesians chapter 4 that talks about and we've gotten over this passage quite a bit recently I feel like a lot of my sermons God giving apostles and prophets and teachers evangelists pastors teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ so we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the fullness of Christ so God wants this house to not be divided because when it's divided you're not going to be operating in full force right the body is going to be fighting against itself like Satan fighting against himself instead of actually working together and going out and doing something good and the same thing at home and the family you know in order to allow your family to prosper in all manners spiritually physically with everything you need to be working in unison in conjunction together you need to be on the same team you need to know and understand that hey we're both in this together for life let's make this work let's not be at odds with each other let's make our family work let's do the same thing within the church let's not find every reason to separate and cause a vision within the church look I'm not all for just reaching out and this whole ecumenical mindset of just anyone who even says the word Christian is all just we're going to join together but within our church is completely different people who already agree to the core doctrines to the fundamentals to salvation by grace through faith the King James but to the things that we believe in here as a church look we don't need to be seeking out other reasons to find a vision that are not biblical within our church let's keep this house not divided let's keep us together let's all join together and do the work that God has for us and all fall into the places into the roles as individual members of this body that God has placed you in so that we can do great things for the Lord because when you're focusing in on each other and all the faults that everyone else has we're not focusing on actually doing the work and that's going to cause the house to fall