(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Verse number 15 this thou knowest that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me, of whom are Phygelus and Hermogenes. So He's explaining in Timothy at this point, you know, everybody has turned away from me. He's in prison, right? People don't want to have anything to do with them now. And he's saying they've all turned around away from me He says even basically saying even Phygelus and Hermogenes like everyone's just turned their back on me Verse 16 the Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus for he oft refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chain Say at least I had Onesiphorus at least I had him who wasn't ashamed of the work that I was doing He would come and visit me in prison He would come and help me and refresh me and was not afraid to be seen publicly going and talking to this criminal you know Paul and We ought not to be ashamed I remember a long time when I was going to Faithful Word Baptist Church and when like the first time they got put in the news and and of course a big hit piece and it's like On display and there's all there's this hate preaching all this other stuff There were a couple people I think that ended up dropping out because they couldn't take the heat and would end up being ashamed of the man of God that's standing up and just standing for righteousness and didn't want to have any Association and some people didn't quit but they stayed out of church for a couple weeks and then would come back and it's like look Don't be ashamed of what this guy's doing Don't turn your back on him after all the good that he's done and all the the hard work that he's doing and now when Persecution comes think that oh, well, maybe he could just tone it down a little bit. No That's not what you're supposed to do You need to stand right there with that man of God Stand with him and and be there all the way and be like on a syphorus and Don't be ashamed of the chain. Don't be ashamed of the of the you know, negative press that's gonna come that way Stand there boldly and refresh the man of God that is being persecuted for righteousness sake Verse number 17, but when he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently and found me Here's someone who loves Paul and doesn't he's not worried about what the world's gonna think what anyone's gonna think about him visiting him in Prison, that's the right thing to do Flip over to chapter 2 verse number 1 Thou therefore my son be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. So he again He's encouraging him to be strengthened to be strong. He's giving him the warnings He's telling them this is what's gonna happen essentially when there's problems come your way. Don't be afraid you've got power you've got the gift of God God has given us a spirit of power and love and a sound mind and Then again reiterating in verse number 1 in chapter 2 be strong Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus and the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou To faithful men who shall be able to teach others also saying we got to keep this going This doesn't stop with the Apostle Paul He's saying look I have trained you now you train other people and we got to keep this going We need to continue because as the Apostle Paul is in prison The amount of work that he can do is hampered. I mean, it's still doing good. He's still writing down letters He's saying to people who's encouraging people he's witnessing that whoever he can in prison, but it's still he's withheld So he said we need to just get more people out in the field. We need to get more people trained It's never all about one person unless you're talking about Jesus Christ that's who it's all about but it's not any one man You cannot allow yourself to live and die by one man No matter how great that person is the Apostle Paul great great example great person to follow But you know what if you put all of your your you know stock and everything and just him Oh, well now he's arrested now. What am I going to do? Well, I guess I'm just gonna go quit No We need to keep moving forward if he's taken out well We're not living and dying by Paul We're living for the Lord Jesus Christ and he's saying we need to keep training more men