(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let's just keep reading here verse number six the Lord said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king Has thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? She has gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree and there hath played the harlot And I said after she had done all these things Turn now unto me, but she returned not now think about this in the context and what he's saying here Of how loving you know how and how gracious God is if you were married to someone and they went off and played the whore on you and they went off and were just cheating on you with a bunch of different guys or a bunch of different girls and Just kept on just just doing it all just just being real filthy right For God to still have this attitude of saying well come come back to me I'm your husband come back to me. I'm your wife come back to me I just want you to come back to me, and you'll be done with all that that you're doing right now This is the heart that God has in this case to Israel, but he also has this with us also as his children now It hurts them just like if you were to go out and commit adultery on your wife You know you you often do it's gonna hurt really bad. There's a lot of pain there. There's a there's a lot of Shame there and grief and God is angry, and he's upset when we go out, and we and we get involved in all this sin But God still will not leave us see in the human example We aren't God What ought to happen when people get married is they ought to stay together for the duration of their marriage That's the right thing and that's a thing like God would expect and see because you make a vow and a promise you say I'm Gonna be there for you That's why the for better and for worse is part of the is part of the vows because it's for the worst times That's what you need to make a problem. Hey when things are going great What's the what do you even have to promise for everyone's having a good time of course you're not thinking about about? Divorcing or anything like that, but when it's the bad times when things fall real hard That's why you have that promise there you say no look look we promise you my word means something. I'm gonna stick by you and But see people you know our heart gets hardened and things happen that that are extremely difficult to deal with And I'm not trying to understate What a horrible sin it is for someone to go out and play the horn do something like that because it is extremely bad That's why the the Bible actually puts the death penalty on people who commit adultery It's what God intended for the laws to be that because it is such a grievous serious sin of Committing adultery on someone that God said look if you go out and do this the adulterer and adulteress shall surely be put to Death God said that's the right thing to do in that situation because it is a horrible sin The damage that it does to the family to the spouse to everyone to anyone else's who's involved in that it is Incredible and the only way that we can deal with that and with that type of wickedness is for that person to be put to Death it's a capital crime according to the Bible And you might say wow man. That's extreme. I can't believe you're saying that hey I'm just saying this is this is what God handed down to Moses from the Word of God I'm sorry. This is God's law that he had ordained now I know that's not our law the land today But I believe it should be I believe that the laws of God should be the laws of the land today Now they're not so we don't take the law in our own hands or do anything foolish like that we still have to abide by the laws of our government, but The way that God intended in the way that he views that wicked of sin It is a serious sin and even after stating all of that. We see the heart of God saying come back to me It is a sin worthy of death and he's still saying come back to me Come back Stop doing what you're doing and come back to me