(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, on the other hand, too, this clothing yourself in sackcloth and ashes and having such a big deal, you also want to just be doing that all the time, right? Like the boy who cries wolf. The best example I could think of in our world and what people here could probably write to is, it's the Alex Jones type. Everything's red alert, everything's the end of the world, everything's just the worst thing. Oh man, everything's... If you don't do this right now, everything's gonna die. Like look, we don't want to do that because you're going to lose any credibility for the really big deals. We have Mordecai of just everyone. There's Mordecai again dressed in sackcloth and ashes, there he is. There he is just, he's on his hobby horse about something again. I don't know what it is, but it's just the worst thing ever. No, you know, these events happen. You know, they shouldn't be happening very often, but when they do and it's really important, you know, you just, you got to do it and you got to make that stand. And he's making that stand here. So verse number five, the Bible says, then called Esther for Haytack, one of the king's chamberlains whom he had appointed to attend upon her and gave him a commandment to Mordecai to know what it was and why it was. So before she even knew like why he's so upset, she's just saying, oh no, you know, put this stuff on. And then, you know, she finally realizes after he refuses and says, you know, like, no, then she decides to ask and you know what, that's another folly of a lot of weak Christians as well. The folly is the weak Christian is going to see the news article, the little clip, the little soundbite from the people who hate God anyways, from the lying so-called journalists that want to sell their story and then they're going to come out, oh man, this person's crazy on everything else. Why don't you bother to do a little bit of research and look for yourself? Why don't you decide to just actually listen to what's being taught or what's being preached or what's being said and then decide if it's actually coming from the word of God or if someone else is just taking some soundbite and trying to hype it up because they know that people are going to get all upset about it and make a judgment, a righteous judgment on the actual cause. There was a cause for Mordecai to be in the condition he was. There's a cause for Mordecai to be in sackcloth and ashes. Esther didn't even bother to ask and find out, hey, why are you in sackcloth and ashes? Because then once she does that, she realizes, you know, after this point, she's not continuing to say, well, just put some clothes on anyway because now she realizes, no, there's actually a cause. There's a purpose. It's really important. But then it turns to, well, now you have to do something. Let's keep reading. Verse number six, the Bible says, so Haytac went forth to Mordecai unto the street of the city, which is before the king's gate, and Mordecai told him of all that had happened unto him and of the sum of the money that Haman had promised to pay to the king's treasuries for the Jews to destroy them. And that just shows you, we saw this in the last chapter, but it shows you how dedicated Haman was to exterminating God's people was by promising to pay the king, like, hey, you let me do this and I'm going to give you all this money. Now we saw the king said, you know, take whatever money you need, you know, to get this stuff done. But this is how dedicated he was, which he brings up this point. He's promising to pay in order to destroy the Jews. That's a lot of blinding wrath and anger. Now you might be able to say, oh yeah, but he wanted to receive the spoil from, from killing him. I don't think that's really what was motivating him here. And we'll, we'll see that a little bit later to get into further chapters, just the anger and wrath and hatred, just, just burning inside of, of Haman. But let's continue on here. So this is, he explains, you know, what's going on, why he's so upset. Verse number eight, also he gave him the copy of the writing of the decree that was given at Shushan to destroy them. So he actually gives them an evidence to saying, look, I'm not just making this up. Like here you go. Here's the facts. He's backing up his claims, which by the way is what we ought to be able to do too. You're going to make a big deal about something, make a big thing about something, you know, back it up, have the facts, have the evidence and be like, here it is. This isn't just, you don't want to go off half cocked. You don't want to go off not knowing the whole story. You want to know, look, look, I saw it for myself. I'm not just listening to gossip and rumors. Here it is. Here's a copy of the decree that was sent out and signed with the stamp and seal of King Ahasuerus.