(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look at who these people were, the high priest, the chief priests, they're going onto Caiaphas, these are like the rulers of the people that are conspiring together to do evil against Jesus Christ. Oh why don't we just listen to the official story that they tell us of what's going to happen to Jesus Christ or what you know of his fair trial, right? If it were today they probably would have tried to suicide Jesus like they did with Epstein, right? By the way, Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself, he didn't hang himself. I had to figure out a way to fit that into a sermon somewhere, but I mean you see it on Facebook enough, right? So I had to work that in. But in all seriousness though, they would have probably tried to do that today. People in power try to get rid of Jesus Christ, he was causing too much of a stir, there's too much of a problem with him being alive, they had to silence him, they had to try to kill him. Obviously unwittingly they didn't know that it was still all part of God's plan for him to be the sacrifice made for our sins that through his death so much good could come and our salvation could come and that that's even why they were allowed to do the things that they did, right? But they had no idea about that, they just wanted to kill him, they hated him, they wanted him gone. And they conspired and they met secretly and they devised a plan to kill him. It says in verse number five, but they said not in the feast day lest there be an uproar among the people. So they were still strategically planning politically how they can do this because they wanted to do it as quietly as possible, right? They want to do it when everyone's distracted with something else and they're back to work and they're not celebrating a holiday and everyone just like whoa hey what's going on here? They want to do on the feast day, they want to cause a big uproar, they want to try to do it as quietly as possible. Says in verse number six, now when Jesus was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper there came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment. Now we're gonna get back to obviously those wicked people, but right now we're getting caught up to where Jesus is. He's in Bethany and he's in the house of Simon the leper and it says here there came on him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment and poured it on his head as he sat at meat but when his disciples saw it they had indignation saying to what purpose is this waste? Now we're gonna go and look in a minute at John chapter 12 we're gonna see some more information and this story is recorded in the Gospels and other Gospels and there's different bits of information that were given but the most the most new information we receive is in John so if you want to kind of get ready we're gonna go there in a minute but I want to finish reading a little bit more here about what happens here. So this woman is nameless woman in this account open an alabaster box just a real precious box she opens it up to with it's filled with real precious pricey precious right ointment real expensive ointment and pours it out on his head and just you know like doesn't spare doesn't you know just just pours it all out and as he's at meat and his disciples see it it says they had indignation saying to what purpose is this well what a big waste I can't believe he just poured out all that really expensive ointment on Jesus's head what were you thinking what a big waste and here's what they say for this ointment might have been sold for much and given to the poor. Now selling something that's expensive and giving to the poor is that a good thing to do sure right is there anything wrong with that no of course not that's a good thing to do if you choose to take some goods that you have and and bestow a blessing on someone else and help other people out that's great there's nothing wrong with that but you know what there becomes a problem and Jesus rebukes them for this too don't you just hate the super religious people that just look at everything that everyone else does it well you know you could have just sold that for the to the poor y'all giving that to the poor well why didn't you do this and give that to the poor and it's like you know you these people aren't looking at themselves first anyways because if you wanted to micromanage everybody and just and just examine how everybody spends their money you know you can say well why do you have this why do you have that well why do you have heat in your house why do you have air conditioning huh you don't need air well you could have just saved that money and given that to the poor right there's always gonna be things that you can find to say to somebody you know why didn't you give that to the poor why didn't you do something better with your money