(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now when we think of slavery What what normally will come to mind for us are all things that are wrong That the scripture does not Allow for you think about people just being beaten and like treated horribly and being Stolen from other countries and brought here on boats and just forced into labor That is not right Okay, when people are stolen, right if someone just goes and just rounds up a group of people We already saw what God's law is on man stealers. Remember someone's gonna steal a person and sell them. That's the death penalty So just right off the bat if you think of like American slaves or something like the oh something that happened in this country hundreds of years ago The Bible doesn't endorse what you know what that was all about Also One of the reasons why people are gonna bring up slavery And say oh, you know a Bible endorsed slavery is because the modern versions of the Bible use the word slavery when The King James Bible doesn't you can find the word slave or slavery a form of slave like two times in the King James Bible One is in the book of Revelation. I forget where the other reference is off the top of my head, but it's mentioned twice So it's not that they didn't have the word But it wasn't used because it wasn't I don't think it's really appropriate word for describing what the Bible describes the Bible describes Servants, so there's servants and masters now. There's two different types of Servants that you'll find in Scripture. There's the hired servant Which is very common that you'll find like today even if you wanted to think of a servant master relationship That would be a hired servant. You're an employee for someone. Who's your boss right if you think of servant in master It's boss employee Right that's the other way employee boss That would be in Many areas of the scripture when it's talking about servants. That's the type of relationship It's talking about you have someone who's ruling over you because you're employed by them you are hired by them to do a job They're gonna tell you what to do and as a servant you're supposed to do what they tell you to do, right? But you're not bound to That employer as a hired servant Just like today if your employer tells you to do something that you don't want to do if they tell you no you need to Do this you can quit you can leave you don't have to remain employed By that person that is a hired servant status Okay, the other type of servitude or servant in the Bible is a bond Servant because they are bound they are obligated and they must and you you lose freedom When you are a bond servant, okay now I'm not gonna try to sugarcoat the Bible at all Because it is what it is and it says what it says and we need to just be able like I said before Accept God's Word for what it is. And as I get through this hopefully understand that the Bible is right We don't want to get so zealous and and far-reaching in our own morality and Maybe in what has been taught to us and granted us in our own hatred of slavery in general which again I'm not saying that You know slavery is a good thing and the Bible is not saying that slavery is a good thing but when you're dealing with a sinful world There are situations that come up that just need to be dealt with one way or another and God's system of Justice is the right one Okay Say what? What do you mean by all this? And what does this have to do with someone being a slave or a bond servant? Well, I had you turn to Exodus 22. We covered this last week, but I brushed over it When it has to do first of all, if someone is a thief Right if someone's stealing something from someone else We went over God's justice system and how God's system is better than our system where the victim is paid Two times or seven times or five times whatever whatever the judgment is. It's appropriate the victim gets reimbursed For their loss for everything else and that is a punishment to the perpetrator But in Exodus 22 the verse number one about says if a man steal If a man shall steal an ox or a sheep and kill it or sell it He shall restore five oxen for an ox and four sheep for a sheep if a thief be found Breaking up and be smitten that he died There shall be no blood shed for him look at verse number three if the Sun be risen upon him There shall be blood shed for him for he should make full restitution So this is you catch a thief He needs to pay and make a full restitution To the person that he stole from but then it says if he have nothing so you got someone who's poor they don't have anything and they go to steal probably because they don't have anything and they They're in need and they want something and they decide to just take from somebody else So if they don't have anything it says then he shall be sold For his theft So when a person is sold they become a bond servant Because at that point he's lost his freedom When you steal from someone else you have to pay it back