(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look at verse 7, actually I'm sorry, let me just read the end of verse 6 again. Neither have they any more apportioned forever in anything that is done under the sun. Verse 7, Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart, for God now accepted thy works. Now when it says there, God now accepted thy works, here's how I think of this. I think of it as like the chili cook-off at our church, where if you don't bring the chili by a certain time, it's not accepted anymore. It's like, okay, you got up until 5.30 to enter a chili, and after 5.30 the bell rings, you can't. It's like God is right now accepting your works, right? He's accepting your entries, all the works that you do. But let me tell you something, there's going to come a time when you can't enter any more good works because it's all done. Like you've turned it in, think about like an assignment, like for school or something, right? And it's like the term paper is due on Friday at 5 p.m., and they're accepting that paper until 5. If you show up at 5.30, oh wait, here, let me, it's like, sorry, too late, you failed. Well our life is the same way. There's a due date, there's a deadline that's called death, and that's the deadline, and God accepts your works, accepts your works, accepts your works, accepts your works, accepts your works. When you die, you can't do any more works that will earn you rewards like the works that you do on this earth. Obviously we're going to still do stuff in heaven, we're going to keep working, but it's not the same because the works that we do on this earth right now, we're laying up treasures in heaven, once our life's over, that's it, then we're going to go to the judgment seat of Christ eventually and we're going to be rewarded based on what we did in our body, the Bible says, what we did on this earth. So you can't just get to heaven and be like, oh man, I didn't do much on earth, God, is there any way I can get a little extra credit assignment since I missed the term paper? No, because it's like, sorry, I've already turned in your final grade, sorry, the chilies have already been entered. I don't care how good your chili is now, the chili that you make on November 1st is meaningless for the contest. It's the chili that you make on October 31st that matters because that's when God accepts your works. That's when the church is accepting your chili to be entered into the contest. So he says, look, eat your bread with joy, drink wine with a merry heart, for God now accepted thy works. Let thy garments be always white and let thy head lack no ointment. Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity, boy, he just has to keep rubbing that in, huh? For that is thy portion in this life and in thy labor which thou takest under the sun, whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might. For there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave where thou goest. And again, this is from an earthly perspective under the sun, you're not going to be working from the grave, you're not going to be voting from the grave. Democrats, you're not going to be able to. You can't do anything. Now obviously, like I said, from an earthly perspective. So what's he saying? He says that every day is a gift, hey, let your garments be white. He's not telling us to just sit around and be like, nothing matters. Is that what Ecclesiastes is saying? Nothing matters, so let's do nothing. No, he's saying look, because everything's vanity anyway, everything's empty, everything's going to be forgotten, then we need to first of all enjoy what we've got, enjoy our wife while we're married because this is a temporary thing. And I'm not talking about like temporary like Elizabeth Taylor swapping wives every two years, or spocking husbands every two years, I'm saying it's temporary in the sense that marriage ends even if you're married for 60 years, it's going to end when you die. So enjoy your spouse, enjoy your children, don't let these things just pass you by. Enjoy your food, enjoy your drink, but most importantly, whatever you find to do, do it with your might because there's no work in the grave. Just like Jesus said, I must work the works of him that sent me while it is yet day. The night cometh when no man can work. Even Jesus knew I have a limited time on this earth and I need to work hard with the time that I've got because the night's coming when no man can work. Well, you know, we need to have Jesus' same attitude and say, hey, I don't know how long I've got on this earth, so whatever I find to do, I'm going to do it with my wife, my might. Anything that's worth doing is worth doing right. Anything that's worth doing is worth doing well. Anything that's worth doing is worth doing it with your might and putting effort into it because otherwise, why are you wasting your short life on things that don't matter? So even if we do a medial job, do it unto the Lord. Do it as unto Christ. But we need to also make sure that we're doing things that have eternal value, not just working really hard at whatsoever our hand findeth to do, but let's make sure that all of those things also are working us toward our spiritual goals of drawing closer to Christ, winning other people to Christ, raising our family for Christ, preaching the gospel, serving the Lord, being a blessing to our local church, being a blessing to the people around us, and helping people grow spiritually. Now let's go to the last chapter.