(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But, you know, we talk about spanking the children. What about people who are just afraid to even have kids in general? Why are people not having kids today? I mean, you see so many people who want to, because a lot of it is that they're afraid because you know what? It takes a lot of faith to have a lot of children because children are expensive. And when they start eating a whole burrito and a whole pizza in one sitting, and they're eating a whole foot-long sub, I have eight children. And literally, if I stop and think about just how much it costs to feed them on a monthly basis and just how long they're going to live in my house, it's a scary thought. Like I try to just not even think about it. Like my wife would be like, do you know how much we spend on food every month? I'm just like, don't even tell me, you know? And I'm just calculating. I'm just like, oh man, this is crazy. It's scary, just the numbers, you know, and just huge pieces of meat are being brought into my house, huge amounts of food, and it's like one meal. And I'm just like, what in the world, you know? And they get to a certain age, they start eating like adults. And that age is like seven, you know, seriously. And it's scary, but you know what? It takes the faith of saying, you know what, I'm not going to fear. God said, be fruitful and multiply. God said, children are a blessing, children are a heritage of the Lord, fruit of the womb is his reward. God said that he'll supply all our need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. God said, I've never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. But you know, it takes a lot of faith to believe that when you start looking at the numbers of just how much these kids are eating like locusts, just, you know, you bring home all this food, oh, this is going to last, it's just gone, all gone. All consumed. And people today are afraid to have kids. Go to Hebrews 11. People are afraid to have kids today, and so they disobey the Lord by not having kids. When God wants us to reproduce, God wants us to have children. You know, he wants us to see children as a blessing. But you know, you've got to step out in faith and do it.