(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know what? That's why people aren't going today, because that's what they believe. And as I was talking to this guy, I was very kind to him and polite to him, right? But you know, in my heart I was thinking, you jerk, you're damning this whole world to hell with your stupidity. This world is not hearing the gospel because of people like you who want to sit around and say, oh God's going to get it done on his own. No, he told you to do it. If our gospel be handed, it's handed to them that are lost. And we're sitting there hiding the gospel under a bushel and saying, oh, well, you know, God's going to get it done. And then the guy said, well, what are you saying that all these people who've never heard of Jesus are going to go to hell? I think they're going to get a pass. You know what? Keep telling yourself that. Maybe that'll let you sleep at night when you don't serve Jesus at all. All means all, and I preached this and believed it. This is my hot button issue. This gets me mad. I'm sick of it, man. I'm sick of being, oh, you're not soul winning. Yes, I'm not soul winning. He that winneth souls is wise. I'm sick of it. Ah, you're not soul winning. Yes, I am. Soul winning. Winning souls. This is the truth. This is reality. Don't kill the messenger. I'm telling you the truth. I'm warning you that the people in this city who do not believe on Jesus Christ are on their way to hell. Whether I say it, whether you say it, whether anybody says it, it's the truth. People who are not saved, the Bible says, will spend eternity in hell. Whether you like it, whether I like it or not. And you're watching a football game. You're watching a basketball game. You're watching a baseball game. Hey, I'm not here to turn on a visitor. I'm here to turn on some soul winners to go out and praise the gospel and win people to Christ. I'm here to try to turn on something. I'm not turning people on for the kingdom. Hey, if the Bible turns people off, then they're just going to have to be turned off at Faithful Word Baptist Church.