(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The reason that everybody hates me and has all this stuff on the internet attacking me is because I've stood up for what's right. What did I steal? What have I robbed? Who have I killed? Who have I assaulted? The only reason why there's anything against me is for the words that have come out of my mouth as I preach the Bible. So don't be ashamed of me. I'm not ashamed of you. I love you and I would claim you as my friend and church member in a heartbeat. You know when a society begins to just openly accept sodomy, that's when they're like Sodom. That's when you know it's at the very final stage on the downward spiral of the final stages of depravity when you've got them just proudly, proudly just exposing the sin of sodomy. No longer hidden, no longer in the closet, but coming out of the closet. That's where America is at today. And you know what? You say, well, America wasn't that great 50 years ago or 60 years ago. You know what? I know that there was sin in America 50, 60, 70 years ago, but it wasn't just being openly declared like it is now. That is a new development, okay? That is in literally the last 10 to 15 years. 15 years ago, it was not being declared the way it is today, not even close. And I'm a young man. I'm 32 years old, okay? But I'm just shocked that the older generation just sits by and lets this happen. What a disgrace. What a shame. You know who ought to be ashamed of themselves? Gray-haired men who accept all this sodomy and filth, who actually lived in this country when it was a clean and normal somewhat decent place. And now they just accept all this garbage. I mean, what a shame. What an abomination. I mean, at least I'm just a young man who just inherited this mess. I mean, good night to sit there as an older man and just be okay with it. I mean, if you're an older man and you're fighting against it and you're standing up against it, praise God for you. But if you're one of these gray-haired people that accepts all this, and look, have you noticed there aren't even a lot of older people in our church because our church is too old-fashioned for the elderly. I mean, figure that out. I mean, our church is too old-fashioned for the elderly, can't handle it. Too old-fashioned. I mean, that's when you know you're old-fashioned. You know, we're so old-fashioned that only people in their 20s and 30s can even handle it, how old-fashioned we are. You know, I'm probably 32 minutes into the sermon, 32 Bible verses have come out of my mouth, you know, and there's probably 32 things that will offend the world that we live in today, and tell me what have I preached that is not biblical. And yet people are ashamed of this kind of preaching. There are some people, not in our church, thank God, that would be ashamed to bring a visitor to a service like this.