(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And he says, well, where be all his miracles? You know, I think that's a great question to ask. That's not a bad question. And in fact, I think this is what God likes about Gideon, because there are definitely some negatives about Gideon in the story here. We see that he lacks faith at times, he's fearful at times, but I think God likes this attitude that says, where be all his miracles? Because you know what it reminds me of? It reminds me of when Elisha takes the mantle of Elijah and slaps it down at the Jordan River and says, where is the Lord God of Elijah? You know, God wants people that are expecting great things from God, that expect God to do something big, that believe in the power of God and say, well, look, if I'm not seeing the miracles, if I'm not seeing the power of God, if I'm not seeing victory, if I'm not seeing success, then you know what? It's obvious that the Lord's not with us, because if the Lord's with us, there's going to be power on our side. And if there's no power, the Lord must not be with us. You know what? In a sense, that's a good attitude to at least expect God to have power and do things in our lives and to bring success. And we should be surprised if God is not working rather than being surprised when he does something. You know, some people are shocked if God answers their prayer. They're totally shocked if God comes through for them. They're shocked if people get saved out of soul winning. They're shocked when someone comes and gets baptized. They're shocked if the church grows and thrives or if lives are being changed. You know, really, we should expect those things. You know, when I go out of soul winning, I'm expecting people to get saved. You know, I expect our church to grow and thrive. I expect people to be baptized. I expect for lives to be changed. You know, I'm surprised when these things don't happen, because I expect God to work, because God has power and I know what God's will is. I know what he wants. He wants people to be saved. He wants the gospel to be preached. So you know, I expect him to open doors and for great things to happen. You know, over the last 15 years, great things have happened in our church, marvelous things have happened. God's constantly opening doors and there are all kinds of great testimonies and cool things that have happened and just things that just fall into place where it's just an act of God. And you know, I think that's what God likes about Gideon here, because when Gideon makes this speech, well, where be all his miracles, then God's answer is, go in this thy might. I like this that you've just said. This is good, what you've just said. And so even though we might look at this as being maybe, you know, an affront to God or even a lack of faith, you know, there's a good aspect to what he's saying here, that at least he believes in the power of God and he does believe that God would do great things if he were with them.