(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you know one way to pray is to bring up the promises of God and say God here's what I want you to do for me you promised this Lord and I want you to please make good on that promise in this situation you've said that you would do XY and Z so Lord please do that in this situation right and also you could pray and say Lord you know let's say you're sick and you want to get well you know you could pray things like Lord please help me to get well so I can serve you I can do more for you out there than in this sickbed right give me out there Lord doing your will you know that's the kind of prayer that God is responding to here where it's all about God's will God's work going forward God getting the glory and it's a reminding God of his own promises because what what's the first word of verse 13 God remember remember now look you say well that's silly because God knows everything you know God it's not as if God holds that's right you know what you're right I did promise that do you really think that God forgot that for one second no but this is how we communicate with God okay even though we know God knows everything the Bible says don't get too smart for God where you think you're smarter than God or smarter than the Bible you know what does the Bible say you have not because you asked not so don't sit there and say well God already knows everything anyway so I'm not even gonna bother praying what's the Bible say you have not because you asked on don't get so smart and philosophical where you talk yourself out of any reason to pray God wants us to pray and when we come to God in prayer prayer actually changes things I don't I don't believe for one second that praying is just this exercise we go through and God's gonna do whatever he's gonna do anyway sort of a fatalistic or Calvinistic view that just well whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen I don't believe that I believe that you have not because you asked not and that if we ask we shall receive if we seek we shall find if we knock the door shall be open guess what if we don't knock it's not gonna be opened we don't ask we're not gonna receive okay the number one way to get nothing is to not pray right and if you pray you're accomplishing something there's value and just like when we go out soul winning we're not just out spinning our wheels when we read our Bible we're not spinning our wheels when we pray what we what we're doing matters