(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Chapter 28 is about something else completely different, so I want you to get the picture here chapter 29 is this is what I've lost This is the way things used to be and in chapter 30. It's this is how things are now now the reason I want to emphasize this chapter tonight is that When we lose everything it could cause us To think about what's really important to us because if Job is looking back and saying oh, man I wish things were the way they used to be Then by looking at what he brings up we can kind of see what was really important to him Because he's obviously missing the things that are the most important to him or that matter to him the most And you know as you read this chapter you find that the things that he missed Most of them are really good things It's not just that he missed, you know, the whining and the dining and living the good life But if you look at the things that he missed in chapter 29, it's actually a lot of righteous things And it kind of shows what was important to a godly man like job because we want to be like job Because like I said earlier the bible tells that job was the most godly man on the earth at that time So job is definitely a role model for us He's definitely someone we want to look at and say hey, I want to be like job I want to think like job. So the question that I would have for you tonight is What was important to job what mattered to job? Well chapter 29 explains that to us look at verse number one it says moreover job continued his parable and said Oh that I were as in months past As in the days when god preserved me when his candle Shined upon my head and when by his light I walked through Darkness the first thing I want to point out is that job Misses the most the feeling that god is blessing him that god is pleased with him And that god is taking care of him. So when you read this, obviously we know the story We know that god has not actually forsaken job and we know that god is pleased with job And that he's going through these trials and tribulations for a different reason not because god's angry with him or upset with him It's not that god has actually turned his back on him, but that's how it feels And obviously job in this sense pictures the lord jesus christ everything in the old testament is of course pointing us to jesus Think about how jesus he knew no sin And yet he became sin for us That we might be made the righteousness of god in him jesus obviously did nothing wrong To cause him to be hanging on that cross And saying my god my god, why hast thou forsaken me? And in the same way job didn't really do anything wrong to deserve these things But yet he's enduring these things Ultimately for other people because he endures these things so that we can learn from them And so there's a little parallel with the lord jesus christ there But the point is that even though job had not truly lost god's blessing or god's favor He thinks that he has Because that's what his friends are telling him and Obviously, he doesn't feel like he's being blessed by god when everything's going wrong in his life. Literally everything And so he says oh that I was in months past as the days when god preserved me when his candle shined upon my head And when by his light I walked through the darkness, you know what job starts with shows That's the most important thing to him. You know what that ought to be the most important thing to us When we measure the success of our life when we measure how good life is going what we really ought to ask ourselves is Is god's? Light upon us is god Blessing us is god the one who's preserving us and guiding us and shining the light on our path You know, the most important thing in our life is whether god's pleased with us. That should be our number one priority