(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You say, well we're Christians you know, we're never going to go to hell, well that's true. Because we're saved, we shall never die, we have eternal life. But let me say this, that doesn't mean that God's not going to discipline and chasten us. Okay? I mean my children will always be my children, I'm not going to kill my children, I don't hate my children, I'm always going to love my children, but let me say this, there is a consequence when they disobey. So just as we will, God will always love his children, he's not going to kill us, he's not going to send us to hell, but wait a minute, he's going to punish us. Because the Bible says, whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Now why is God telling us that he scourges every son whom he receives? He's warning us. He wants us to fear that. He wants us to realize, look, if you're going to live a Christian life that is a disobedience to God's word and think that there are no consequences, you're wrong. Because the Bible says if you be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are you bastards and not sons. He says if you're without chastisement, you're not even saved, proving that every single believer will for sure be disciplined by God in their life. Certainly. There's no question.