(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, here's the thing, we got the election coming up, I think a lot of people are worried about this election and you're not going to believe this but just like every other election that we've ever had in our whole lives, this is the most important election of our lifetime. Isn't it always? It's always like, this is the most important election of our lifetime and if this thing goes the wrong way, America, it's the end of America. I've had several people tell me to my face, hey, this election is either America continues to exist or it doesn't. That's funny because that was the same way the election was of Barack Obama back in 2008. That was going to be the end of America. And we had that turkey in office for eight years and here we are, we're still here. But isn't that what people are saying? You've heard people say that, right? This is the end of America, this is the most important election of our lifetime and I like the one where it's Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. This time I'm not going to move the football for Charlie Brown and then he runs up and swings with all his might, he moves the ball, he falls on his head and makes an idiot out of himself. And somebody made a comment, they say, hey, no, this time voting is going to make a difference this time, I promise, we're going to fix it this time. And I know that that makes people mad when I say that. I know what I just said offends people, well, this is the most important election of our lifetime. It is the end of America if Biden gets to that. I don't even know if Biden's even smart enough to end America, you know what I mean? You say, well, his handlers, you know. Well guess what? Both sides have handlers, all right? And here's the true story and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, okay? I do not care who wins in November. I don't care. I don't care. And you say, how could you say that? I don't care because you know what I believe? I believe that our country is being judged by God right now, that's why this is such a bad year. Our country's being judged by God. God is angry with our country. We're not being blessed right now. Things are going bad. And you know what? God is allowing the events that are taking place right now in 2020 that are unfolding, God's allowing these things to unfold. And I don't know what his big master plan is. I don't know exactly which way this thing's going to go. So I'm not going to sit here and worry about it. You know what it'd be like? Let's say I'm driving the car in a difficult situation, right? Let's say I'm driving the car and there's ice on the road and it's a storm and it's you know where you're paying attention and you're gripping the wheel and you're working hard and then imagine my kids in the backseat you know kind of paying attention and giving me tips. Five year old in the backseat giving me tips. You think it's going to help? Is it going to matter? It's just kind of like hey, I got this. But if I were the five year old in the backseat and my dad's driving, I know he's got experience. You know, I'm just going to sit back and take a nap in the backseat. I'm taking a nap in the bottom of the ship like Jesus because I know that we're going to make it to the other side. Jesus told the disciples, we're going to the other side of this lake. Lord save us, we're parents. He already said they're going to the other side. He's asleep in the bottom of the boat, he doesn't even care. Now look, the reason that I say I don't care who wins is because of this. Obviously I believe that probably Trump getting elected is probably better for America. I mean I think that's kind of obvious to anyone. But here's the thing, I think that Biden getting elected might be better for us spiritually. Because we need a swift kick in the pants, amen. You know, oh I just pray everything will go so well for America. Why? We need to get more wicked, more degenerate, yeah let's have Trump in office so we can be more financially prosperous, so more people can slam the door in the face of soul winners and more people can say, oh I'm good, I'm good, I'm alright, I'm good. You know there's a gated community, right? I mean, you know you guys aren't supposed to be here, right? You know, I mean here's the thing, when the economy collapses, more people are going to get saved. And by the way, when a guy like Biden is in the White House, you know what? People are going to be running scared. Christians are going to be like, oh man, this is the end. Because they're already telling us it's the end of America, right? So if Biden gets elected, maybe they'll get good and scared so that they quit being so apathetic and lame. And let me tell you something, with a guy like Biden in the White House, who do you think people want to listen to preach? Guys like me, or do they want to listen to some watered down liberal preacher? Look, with a guy like Biden in the White House, you want to hear somebody rip some face. When people are burning the city down, you want to hear some, when the rioting and the looting and the black lives matter are burning it all down, hey, you want to hear some face-ripping preaching, you don't want to hear a watered down, limp-wristed, wimpy preacher. And so here's the thing, all it means if Biden gets elected is just that our church grows, more people listen to my preaching, more people get saved when we go out soul winning. All the right-wing, neo-con Republicans can wake up a little bit, shake them up a little bit, because they're asleep. And not in a good way. Not like Jesus asleep, not like resting in the Savior asleep, but just asleep, comforted by their financial prosperity, and they got their Republican, everything's all right in the White House, you know, because they've got their guy in the White House and they're just so happy to have a Republican in there. Even though the Republicans, folks, the Republicans and the Democrats do all the same things de-facto. This is a fact. They say very different things. I mean, I like the Republican speeches a lot better than the Democrat speeches. But at the end of the day, who spends more money? Who spends more money at the end of the day? With all their talk about small government and whatever, hey, they both spend us into oblivion. Both sides. At the end of the day, who fills the White House staff and the embassies with queers? Both. I mean, Bush hired more queers than any president before him. And then Obama took it to another level. And now Trump has even appointed queers to higher levels of office than they've ever been appointed to. He sent a queer ambassador to Germany. I mean, he literally did an interview this week where he said, I've been the most pro-queer president in the history of America. Anybody see that article? You don't believe me then because I'm the only one person. Well, you know what? Google it because I've read it. He was talking to the log cabin Republicans telling them that he was the most pro-queer president. He didn't use the word queer, so you might have to Google it differently than that. You don't have to use words that I don't use, OK? But he says he's the most pro-queer president. And he said, what are you trying to do, Pastor Anderson? What are you trying to do? You're going to sabotage. Hey, you know what? I don't affect this election. If voting mattered, we wouldn't be allowed to do it. If voting changed things. There's going to be so much. You know how many dead people are going to be voting in this election? Every corona death is a vote for Biden. Take that to the bank. Those ballots are getting mailed in, all right? There's going to be so much fraud. Hey, I'm preaching to a world. How many people are in this room? About 300? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Last time I checked, presidents don't win by 300 people. And you know, all the people who are listening to me online and everything, they're probably going to go vote for Trump anyway, even though I tell them it doesn't matter and it's vain and it's worthless and who cares. They still are going to, even some of you are going to do it, all right? Probably most of you are going to do it. But the point is, though, what we understand is, you say, well, why don't you vote, Pastor Eric? Why don't you give up? Because you know what? I'm free. I'm liberated. Okay? Here's the thing. My freedom is more important to me than one vote for this candidate or that candidate. Hey, I am mentally free. And I don't care. And I'm not worried about it. You know what I focus on? Spiritual things. The things of God. The real battle. Because you know what? If this country would please God, he'd bless us. It's that simple. And so therefore, I'm not worried about anything because like these people in Revelation chapter 19, I just know that whatever God allows to happen is the best thing. And if God allows Biden to get in there, look, nobody thought Trump was going to get elected four years ago. It was like game over. They were already announcing Hillary was the winner. But you know what? God can sway these things. And God, for some reason, saw fit that Trump would be our president for the last four years. He allowed that to take place. He could have easily just, you know, caused inconveniences where Republicans couldn't make it to vote or just kind of just snapped his fingers and a bunch of Democrats get down there or vice versa. He could cause all the Democrats to get a flat tire and well, they're not on their way to work, but, you know, the ones who are, you know, on the way to get cigarettes and to the liquor store on their way to vote and whatever. But the point is, you know, all he has to do is just snap his fingers and he can he can do way more than I could ever do behind this pulpit to affect this election. I don't care about this election. It's meaningless to me because, you know what, if, if, if, if Biden gets elected, I'm going to wake up the next morning and say, Praise God. I'm not even going to care. I'm not going to be like, Oh man, what's going to happen? We're all through. All things work together for good to them that love God. And that includes creepy Uncle Joe in the White House or even Donald Trump. Donald Trump's a degenerate. Anyway, he's a sleazy guy anyway. Who cares? It doesn't matter because, you know, all I know is that it's all going to work together for good for me. You say, well, that's selfish of you. No, because it's going to work together for good for everyone that loves God. And if any man love not our Lord Jesus Christ, then let it be anathema. If you love God, it's going to work out great for you. If you don't love God, well, nuts to you then. You're anathema anyway. Love God or be doomed. Love Christ or you're doomed. Quit worrying so much about the cares of this world and start caring about your standing with God. That's what matters. And get other people safe. Hey, I'm not going to go around campaigning for so and so. You know, I get all these phone calls throughout the week. Can I rely, can Donald Trump rely on you? Is he going to be able to rely on you? And would you do this, would you, hey, this is the call we need to be getting. Hey, can God rely on you to be out soul winning this week? Hey, has God, can God rely on you to be out knocking doors this November for Jesus? I'm not going to knock doors for some candidate who's a liar, who says he's going to do one thing and he gets elected and does it different. Hey, I'm going to knock doors for Jesus Christ. I'm not going to leave some door hanger for this candidate. I'm leaving a door hanger for Faithful Word Baptist Church with the gospel on it.