(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, it's interesting because it says here, you know, David's saying, hey, encourage him. You know, and we have so many preachers today that they don't want to fight any battles, but they're wonderful encouragers. They love to encourage. Now look, it's great to be an encouragement, and I hope that my sermons encourage you, and I hope that I personally have encouraged you from time to time and will continue to encourage you. But when we're all encouragement and no fight, there's a problem. And that's what we see here in David's life. All of a sudden, he just gets real positive about everything, doesn't have anything negative to say, doesn't have any battles to fight. He just sits at home and walks around on the roof and just encourages people, and everything's so wonderful. But you know what? God has called us to fight. The Bible says, fight the good fight. And you know, even the name in the story, Jerubasheth, Jerubail, had to do with someone being a fighter. That's why, I mean, he had a name that said, I fight against, because that's what his name even meant. I'm fighting against Baal. I'm standing against Baal. Baal is against me, and Baal is my enemy, okay? And Baal is, of course, Baal, Beelzebub. It's the devil.