(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And in the same church, I went there for two years, the pastor never used the word hell, and he never mentioned hell. Not even the concept of hell. In fact, my dad walked up to him and said, you know, why do you never talk about hell in your service? You never bring up hell. And he said, well, yeah, I know I should, but it's just so unpleasant, I just don't like to talk about it. And so I think that this idea of hell and damn being a cuss word has even made them become taboo, even among Christians. So that it's not just a taboo out in the world of, hey, you know, gone with the wind, you're getting a little edgy there with that word damn. It's like, no, now in church, it's edgy to say hell. Hey, that's a shame, because Jesus Christ preached a lot about hell, we need to hear some hell fire and damnation preach it. And you know, if Tipper Gore doesn't like it, she can sit on attack.