(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) That there's this big popular movie going to come out called American Sniper. Anybody hear about this movie that's coming out? And they said, oh man, this is going to be the blockbuster. This is going to be the movie of the year glorifying somebody who shoots people in the back. Glorifying somebody who hides somewhere in a building and shoots people that are walking around and not even necessarily fighting. And you can sit there and say, oh no, that's not true. Everybody he shot was in combat and blah, blah, blah. You know what? That's not the way our troops fight anymore. They're fighting in cities. They're fighting in city streets and in buildings. And I saw a picture of this guy in the news. And again, you know, was I there personally with this guy? No. Do I know this guy? No. But from what I saw from the photographs and things that were shown, the photograph that I saw of this guy was that he was laying on a mattress in a bedroom of a high building pointing a rifle out a window and just picking somebody off in a city street. That's what I saw. Now if that picture was wrong, then get mad at the person who posted that picture on a news article. You know, I'm just going off the information that I have. But I'll tell you this, the movie industry glorifies violence. And it isn't right. And it desensitizes people to blood and gore and violence through the video games and through the movies. We as Christians should not be hard-hearted, just desensitized to human suffering where we enjoy watching people get blown away and blown apart. It's sick. And the Bible says, him that loveth violence, God's soul hateth. That's what the Bible says. We should not love violence and just want to see people blown apart and shot. And you know, everybody said, oh, this guy is a brave warrior. You know what, sorry, not brave when you're laying on a mattress in a bedroom shooting people out the window. You say, well, that's not how it was. He was in some other barricade shooting people far away, picking them off. And so you say, well, no, it was only the evil terrorist that he was killing. Oh, the people that are defending their country from a foreign invader? I mean, what in the world? What if foreign troops were in our country and we started fighting back against foreign troops? Now we're the terrorists. You think that that could never happen? You think that it could never happen that foreign troops would be in our country? It's happened before. And you know what, every time there's any kind of a civil war in any country, foreign troops are always brought in. And there's already been a civil war in this country before. I'm not saying it's going to happen again, but it could. I mean, you never know what's going to happen, what kind of foreign troops are going to happen. But you know what, foreign troops come in, okay, and people are fighting against foreign troops in their country. And some guy's a sniper that just picks them off and he's called a hero because he shoots people from far away. And this is glorified and this is the movie of the year that everybody wants to go see. You know what, count me out, I won't be seeing it. I have no interest in it. I don't want to read his book. I don't want to watch his movie. I don't want that to be my kid's hero, somebody who's a sniper. You know, at least, you know, a lot of people in the Bible fought people in a fair fight. You know, and this whole thing of just glorifying a sniper. And I'm sure he only shot the right. And he's the most deadly sniper in American military history. Basically, he's shot more people. He's killed more people. And you can sit there and say, oh, but it was honorable. It was in battle. Which foreign country were we? I mean, I don't know. Who knows about this guy? Does anybody know a little bit about this guy? Okay, was this Afghanistan or Iraq? What was this? I believe it's Iraq. It's Iraq? Okay. So this guy. I've been there. Oh, you've been to Iraq. Okay, where are you? I've been to Vietnam. I've been to Iraq. I didn't enjoy it. I didn't enjoy it. I disagree with some of the stuff you say. If you read to me Psalm 144. Okay, well, I'm not interested in going to Psalm 144 right now. If you disagree with me, that's fine. You're entitled to your opinion. But let me say this. We've got other guys in our church who've also been there. There's a guy sitting behind you that's been to Iraq. Do you agree with what I'm saying right now? Yeah, well, so, how many groups did he save? Guess what? Oh, how many of our troops did he save? Because that's all that matters is did he save our troops. What were our troops doing over there in the first place? What were our troops doing in a foreign country that never attacked us, huh? What were they doing over there invading a foreign country? I don't believe in that. Who here believes the official version on 9-11? Look around. Look around the room. Are you looking around? Look around. Who believes the official story on 9-11? Okay, who believes 9-11 was an inside job? Look around. Now, you told us before the service that God led you here. Maybe this is what God wanted you to find out. That 9-11 was a fraud and that our country actually has the satanic world government located in New York. It's called the United Nations. And our country is taking over the whole world for Satan and Israel. Okay, that's what's really going on. You know, and honestly, look, honestly, I'm sure that a lot of troops over there have their heart in the right place and they think they're fighting for America and for freedom and they're fighting for good things, but I'm sorry, it's wrong. And you know what? They tell the troops like, Well, we need to go fight these horrible Muslims because they put homosexuals to death. Is that what they told you? Yeah, so that we can bring faggotry to the Middle East. Let's bring all the faggots to the Middle East so they can all be like Tel Aviv. Look, the bottom line is, my friends, I am not pro-war and I'm never going to be pro-war and the Bible is not a pro-war book and this aggressive, we're going to take over the world and put a military base in every country is not biblical and I want nothing to do with it and I believe in self-defense and I believe in defending our nation but I do not believe in invading foreign countries because of phantoms and boogeymen that our own government has created for the profit of the military-industrial complex. That's the true story. That's what's going on. And you know what? Honestly, if you want to promote a pro-war position, I mean, you're in the wrong place. Nobody here wants to hear it. Honestly, and look, I love you my brother and I'm sorry that the sermon is offending you but honestly, this is where I stand and this is where our church stands because of the fact that being a sniper and saying, You know what else saved lives? You know what else saved American lives? Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That saved American lives, right? Because then we didn't have to, yeah, and it also murdered and massacred hundreds of thousands of women and children and that is a sin, okay? You can sit there and say, Oh, it saved American troops' lives. Yeah, but it's not right to murder women and children to save American troops' lives. It just isn't right and you can sit there and justify nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki and you can justify firebombing Dresden and killing 137,000 people in one night in Germany with no military target, no military objective, just firebomb them to scare them and to, well, but at least we ended the war. But you know what? The ends doesn't justify the means. You know how God teaches us that we should win battles by having the Lord on our side and fighting according to rules of honor and decency? And not to say, Well, we have to torture the terrorists in order to win. No, we do what's right. God will bless us if we win. And you know what? God's not blessing America. You know, God blessed us more when we followed the word of God in this country and we love God. And our leaders don't love God. Our leaders are murdering. Let me ask you this. Did the government in Iraq, do they institutionalize the murder of 3,000 babies a day in Iraq? So why are we over there straightening them out? Oh, so we can, you know what? If we go over there and invade Iraq and invade Afghanistan and put up our own puppet government that's, so that what? So that women can start aborting their children? Is that what we're doing over there? So we can bring in homosexuality and bring in rock and roll lifestyle and bring in adultery and fornication? Oh, so we can get the women out of those horrible burkas and put them in a pair of short shorts. Put them in a pair of short shorts and get them on, you know, our TV and Hollywood garbage so they can watch all that and rot their brains and become a bunch of atheists. We're not bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to these people. How many times are we reading the news? Some soldier is being told, hey, you can't bring the New Testament here. You can't give out, oh, you're giving out Bibles in Iraq and Afghanistan? No, you can't do that. You could probably hand out condoms in Afghanistan and Iraq and that'd be just fine because you're spreading our wonderful American way of life. No, our American way of life is going down the toilet. It does not honor God anymore. And I'm not, and by the way, hey, I won't fly the American flag anymore. Do you see an American flag up here? I don't fly it. I don't fly it at my house because I'm not proud to be a part of the country that leads the world in dope, abortion, homosexuality and divorce and everything that's filthy and wicked. It's not right. God bless America. How can God bless America when our leaders won't punish abortion, they won't punish sodomy and they promote it and they push it and endorse it and take our tax dollars and watch them. Look, our government today, the commander in chief of the armed forces wants to take my tax dollars and pay for some dude to have an operation to change his gender. It's called Obamacare. But I'm supposed to think that his sniper is shooting all the right people and that he's only going to torture the right people at Gitmo or whatever. I want to close Gitmo. Didn't he say he's going to close Gitmo or something? I want to close Gitmo. Dude, how long have you been in office? Yeah, you haven't closed it yet. You lying devil hypocrite. And look, honestly, if anybody wants to come defend our country to me, you know, see me after the service, I'm willing to listen to your argument. If you want to tell me what makes our country godly or why God should bless us, when we promote sodomy, murder babies, invade foreign countries for the new world order to bring us all into a global government under the United Nations and when basically our morals are getting worse every single day in this country. And we go out door knocking and it's just more and more I'm an atheist, I'm an atheist, I'm an agnostic, I don't believe in Jesus, I don't believe in the Bible, and I don't want to go to church. Our country is a joke anymore. And you know what, thank God our citizenship is in heaven. You know what I mean? You know what, I'm not proud to be an American, I'm proud to be a Christian. I love Jesus. And I don't love what our country has turned into, I'm sorry. And you know, our country used to be founded on the Bible, and so I do appreciate the heritage we have. And you know, the freedom that we have today, it's not because of the people that are in charge now, it's a vestige of the past and it's going away every day. And you know, it has nothing to do, my freedom to stand up here and preach right now. You know, it's amazing, it was that sniper who even gave me the freedom to preach right now. And that's what people try to tell you. That sniper in Afghanistan and Iraq and wherever, whatever foreign country he was invading, you know, he's the reason why you even have the right to even get up and say these things, Pastor Anderson. And you get up and attack our country, and you know what, it's these soldiers in Iraq who even gave you the right to do that. No, you know who gave me the right to do it? God. God gave me, because I've been endowed by my Creator with rights. I don't need some government, I don't need Thomas Jefferson to give me rights. God gave me rights. And you know, some guy fighting in a foreign country, and you know what, okay, 3,000 people died in 9-11, that's how many people we killed yesterday in an abortion clinic. Oh wow, why are we still talking about 9-11, how many years, how long, remember 9-11? No, remember yesterday in the abortion clinic, remember the day before, remember the day before that. I don't remember 9-11 anymore because I'm so busy thinking about all the people that have been slaughtered between now and 9-11. A thousand times as many people have died. Oh, remember the 3,000 that died in 9-11, how about the million dead Iraqis? And what about, okay, and here's the thing, even if somebody only cares about our people, what about the 5,000 troops that died in Iraq? So let's go slaughter 5,000 of our troops and a million of them just because we don't want 3,000 to ever die again. And by the way, Iraq didn't attack the Trade Center according to anybody's theory. I mean you can sit there and say like, oh I believe the official version of 9-11. If you believe that, it still had nothing to do with Iraq. The Saudi Arabian terrorists were not from Afghanistan nor Iraq. And by the way, that's not even who did it anyway. You know, see me after the service for some 9-11 truth films. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Father, we thank you so much for your word, Lord, and God, we just pray that we would wake up, Lord, and just realize that there's a lot of innocent blood being shed today, Lord, and it's being shed in abortion clinics and it's being shed on battlefields, Lord, that are not even really battlefields. They're city streets where people are being shot in the back and gunned down from helicopters and hotel rooms, Lord. Help us not to get so desensitized that we think that our government can do no wrong and we think Obama's wonderful, Lord. And God, I pray that Obama, if it would be your will, Lord, would pass off into eternity tonight, Lord. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.