(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The problem is that people have money in their heart. They don't have soul in their heart I got I got a phone call from a missionary a couple weeks ago, and this guy would this guy was a slimy devil he called me up and Yeah, I want to talk to the pastor. You know my wife told him several times. He's not available Leave a message fill out the questionnaire. We'll don't call us. We'll call you fill out the questionnaire All the ball he keeps call back home back Thank God my wife answered the church phone because I don't even bring it with me I just say you know so she feels all these people calls every day well She answered the phone that finally I'm there and she's like just talk to this guy I Talked to him. He didn't even realize that he'd already called before and everything and so I said well I Said you fill out the questionnaire. He's like. Oh, that's you yeah, that's the question that was you huh? I said yeah, that was me I said go on there and look at it You know so he's on his little computer. You know and he goes in there, and he's looking at it You know so I mean I'm on the phone all day. He's like. I've been sitting this way He said to me. He said I've been sitting here He's like you don't know what I'm going through how hard it is being a missionary on deputation He says I sat here, and I make a phone calls for eight hours yesterday sitting here making these phone calls I'm going around trying to have meetings and everything. He's like. I don't have time to go soul winning He's like now when I'm over there in Africa. I mean, I'm so women like crazy But when I'm here, he's like I gotta be on the phone for eight hours I said you know that's funny because I was on the phone for eight hours today, too Because I run a business because I manage a fire alarm company I said boy, that's amazing because I worked 60 hours this week And it's an amazing that I was out so winning this week for several hours Huh, and you can't do it because you have to work for eight hours God forbid that anybody who's in the ministry would have to work for eight hours isn't that terrible? Good night preachers and missionaries. They shouldn't have to work 40 hours a week. What kind of nonsense is that? Where a missionary can call me up and say I worked eight hours today. That's why I can't go so winning well Then how can any of us go soul winning? Everybody in this room works 40 hours practically. Okay. How are we gonna go soul winning there? 40 hours, so I can't go soul winning. I mean is that unbelievable to you as it is to me and I said no, I said you think I'm gonna. I'm not gonna send you any money. Are you crazy who nobody sends me any money? And I actually I started asking about what he believes and this was mr.. Say anything I? Asked him what he believes and he's telling me what I want to hear I asked him about a certain doctrine I said well, what do you believe about the plan of salvation? And he laughed at me like ha Course we all believe right about that. It's independent Baptist. Well. No we don't I wish we did You know he expects me to ask him about like clothing standards or something you know okay? Yeah, we'll get there, buddy But maybe we should make sure they're even preaching the right gospel if we're gonna pay you okay anything, and he says well What's the plan of salvation? What do you believe a person has to you who does that and he said well? You got to repent of your sin. I said you're already wrong I Said you've been talking for three seconds, and you're already wrong Because that's not what the Bible. Oh wait wait. That's right. He said he's like wait a minute wait a minute I said repent of your sin not sins, and I'm only talking about the sin of unbelief Yeah, right Okay, you know he's just trying to spin everything around like oh wait. He's gonna like recover, okay? And I start so I start grilling them about it, and he's giving all the right answers right all the right answers So I get off the phone with them I get on the computer And I and I type it in and he blew everything saying you got to be willing to give up your sins to be saved I mean it's laying it out Okay, I called him back. I said it. I said hey. Why'd you just lie to me I? Said I'm looking at your computer the computer right now I said I said you just say anything to people to get them to give you money I said you just say whatever it takes you just tell people what they want to know no I don't believe that I said well Then why is it on the website here if you're sending church your home church? It's got your face here You're their missionary, and this is their doctoral statement all those they wrote that that they're wrong, but I don't believe them And I said well, okay Then you call them and tell them to put on there what they really believe and then I'll support you as soon as they change That they have the right plan of salvation oh And then you know then he changes his tune because he knows he's not gonna do that Oh, you know I'm so tired of Baptist shooting at each other We should be getting along and we shouldn't be shooting at each other I said you know what you're talking about shooting at each other like in a metaphorical sense I said, I wish I had a gun right now to shoot you You want to talk about Baptist shooting at each other come to my house, and we'll make it a reality That's what I told him I said come to my house And I'll shoot you because you make me sick because you're preaching a false gospel And you're lying and you'll do whatever it takes to get money, and you're some kind of a phone telemarketer And this guy's getting mission support right now He's like 90% of his support, so he's getting thousands and thousands all about to sit on some phone and lie to me Makes me angry you say why are you so mad? well look it makes me mad when people call me up that are that are dishonest it makes me up mad when people call me up that don't love God and They're calling themselves a Baptist preacher It makes me mad when people serve money with their life And then they want me to pay them to serve money now if money was in his heart you say I'm offended well Okay, I was I really gonna shoot him. I don't know I wasn't really gonna shoot him, but that's what I told him. That's verbatim what I said to my say I'd like to shoot you Am I shooting each other? Wow we won't maybe we'll be shooting each other if you have a gun Otherwise they'll just be me shooting at you okay, but I hate this I hate this thing where Baptists were never supposed to Shoot each other. We're all supposed to get along. We're never supposed to point out anybody who who doesn't believe right? Look if somebody is going to be a Roman Catholic and call themselves a Baptist I'm going to point them out and say that's not about