(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, this psalm continues in the same vein as the last several psalms. This is kind of a little section in the Book of Psalms where we have all of these psalms crying out to God for help when one is being attacked by enemies. And if you look at the beginning of Psalm 56, it starts out with the exact same words. Be merciful unto me, O God, for man would swallow me up. He fighting daily oppresseth me. Same thing in 55, 54, a whole bunch of psalms here right in a row dealing with this subject of crying out to God for help in times of persecution, oppression, difficulty. And one of the things that jumped out at me right away in verse number one here is it says in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge until these calamities be over past. And the thing I want to point out here is that David is acknowledging that even though he's going through a really bad time, he's surrounded by enemies, horrible things are going on. He understands that this too shall pass. It's going to be over past. No matter what you're going through, eventually it's going to end. It doesn't always feel that way. A lot of times when we're going through a hard time, we just feel like this is the new normal, you know, and it's just, it's always going to be this way. Things are never going to be better, but thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. We typically think about that in a negative sense, like, you know, hey, don't boast yourself of tomorrow because you don't know what a day is going to bring forth. So don't think that things are too good because things can get bad tomorrow, but you could actually flip that over and say, hey, quit being so doom and gloom because for all you know, things could get way better tomorrow. You don't know what a day is going to bring forth, positive or negative, but I guarantee you, no matter what you're going through, eventually it will end. And one of the things that I've noticed with people that are really depressed or they're, they're struggling with hard times is that they start saying things like, I can't do this for the rest of my life or you know, I just can't imagine the next three months or you know, man, this year I just, how am I going to get through the year? And taking that long view is a bad idea. When you're going through a hard time, you got to just take it one day at a time. The Bible says sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. You have enough evil to deal with today. Don't try to worry about what am I going to do for the next three weeks? What am I going to do for the next year? Just take it one day at a time because for all you know, God can open new doors tomorrow. God can fix things next week. We don't know what a day is going to bring forth. All we know is what's going on today. This is the day which the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. And if you're going through a bad time, just hang in there for one more day and then revisit and then see what happens. But don't try to think about too much of the future at once. Think about David himself. When he's being chased by Saul, God is always delivering him. He always gets away. He always escapes. Everything's fine. But do you remember what David finally says? He says, you know what? I shall someday perish by the hand of Saul. I'm just going to go to the Philistines. Isn't that the wrong attitude? Don't worry about someday, David. Just worry about today. Today you're fine. Yesterday you were fine. Tomorrow you're going to be fine. But he starts thinking about too much of the big picture and he says, you know what? Someday I'm going to perish by the hand of Saul. So therefore, I give up. And I know people are going through a hard time right now. Maybe you're not going through a hard time, but some people are. And if you're not now, you will be at some point. And one of the best pieces of advice I could give you is just to take it one day at a time and otherwise you're just going to be overwhelmed with just trying to cope with the next week, month, year, whatever. So take it one day at a time because the calamities are going to be passed. And during that time of calamity, you make the Lord your refuge. You flee to the Lord. The name of the Lord is the strong tower. The righteous runneth into it and is sin.