(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, according to the Bible, God's working in us is that He brings us to a point where we do His will and where we do His good pleasure. We do what He wants us to do. He works in us to get us to be like Him, to get us to be conformed unto His image, okay? Now He begins to work in us at salvation and if we'll let Him, He'll perform that work in us until the day of Christ. And God is saying He wants us to be blameless in the day of Christ, so we're talking about the coming of Christ. We're obviously talking about the day when Jesus Christ comes in the clouds. Go to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, because you see in 1 Thessalonians chapter 4, the Bible is real clear on what the coming of the Lord Jesus is. It is the rapture, it is the trumpet sounding, it is us being caught up together with Him in the clouds. There are people out there that will tell you that the rapture and the second coming are two different things. Well, either those people can't count or they're just basically repeating what man has taught them instead of reading the Bible and seeing what God says about it. They're just repeating what man has taught them and they're just like a parrot that just doesn't think. I mean, if a parrot does not think about what it's saying, you can get a parrot to say, anything. You could teach it the most obscene thing and it will not even blush or raise an eyebrow and say, wait a minute, I won't say that. Because the parrot does not comprehend what it is hearing or what it is saying. And so we have, second coming, he's not the rapture, rapture's not the second coming. Like a stupid, dumb animal that can't think. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 4 that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord. Now what do people not understand about the fact that 1 Thessalonians 4 says that when Jesus Christ comes in the clouds at the rapture, that is called the coming of the Lord. Is there anybody that doesn't understand that? And yet you can say it and say it and preach it and preach it. But the lie is so strong. Satan has this stronghold of this lie, this deception that's been out there. Well you know what? Not in our church. And if anybody is struggling with this deception, this spirit of darkness that tells you that the rapture is not called the coming of the Lord. You know, I will get out a dictionary, I'll show you the word coming. I mean I'll highlight the word coming in 1 Thessalonians 4 for you and explain to you that it means that he comes. He's coming. And you say, that's not the second coming. Well is it coming 1.5? Is it the first coming? No, no, no, Pastor, you're just okay, it's just not the second coming. No, it is the second coming. Because if Jesus Christ came in Bethlehem's manger, let's count together, shall we? You know, I want to drive this point in, I just don't understand why people don't get it. I hear this almost every day from people. It's not the second coming. Okay, he came in Bethlehem's manger, count me, everybody say one. Okay so that's the first coming, right? He came in Bethlehem's manger. Okay, 1 Thessalonians 4 is the rapture passage, the most famous rapture passage in the whole Bible. It says that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent, then what's it going to say? Let's count together. Two. Okay? So, how is the rapture not the second? Well there's a future of it after that that's the second coming. No, if there's another coming after that, you'd better call it the third coming. If you want to talk about some other coming, I'm not going to talk about any other coming, but if you want to talk about another coming after that and call it the coming of the Lord, you're going to have to call that the third coming or else you just can't count. It's that simple. Okay? Now, you say, well Revelation 19, Jesus comes on a white earth. Well the term coming is not used there, okay? But if you want to call that another coming, then you're going to have to call that the third coming. Now, Jesus coming on a white horse is not the same event of 1 Thessalonians 4. Those are two very different events because in 1 Thessalonians 4, a trumpet sounds, Jesus comes in the clouds, he gathers up the elect, okay. In Revelation 19, there's no trumpet. In Revelation 19, there's no mention of the saints being gathered. In Revelation 19, there's no mention of him coming in the clouds. He's riding a white horse. It's a completely different event, but when we talk about the second coming, we must be talking about the rapture since that's what's called the coming of the Lord. Now, look down at your Bible there at 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, and I just want to drive that in because you know, there's so much deception out there today and people are unwilling to hear the truth on this. They're unwilling to change because they just have decided that the rapture comes before the tribulation and it's not the second coming. You know what? They've been lied to and they're going around lying to others and they need to just accept it. You know, that they're wrong. Look at 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1, now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and we should already know what that is from 1 Thessalonians 4. He says by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him. Sounds like the rapture to me that we be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition. So that right there tells us that there are people out there who desire to deceive us into believing that the day of Christ is at hand. Well, if we go to 1 Corinthians 1, we saw that the day of Christ was the day that we're waiting for his coming and we're waiting for that day that will be found blameless on that day. Now, if this were referring to some other event later than or beyond the rapture, why would we have to worry about being blameless on that day? Everybody listen up and think about this very carefully. When we're in heaven, aren't we living a sinless life up in heaven? I mean does everybody understand that when you get to heaven you're never going to say sin again? I mean you're sinning down here because you're living in the flesh. When you're up in heaven, you're not going to be drinking and partying and you know watching Hollywood movies and struggling with sin. No, when you get to heaven, you're never going to sin again. That's why heaven's a perfect place. You know, and the more you live like that down here, you'll have a little heaven on earth. Okay? But when you get to heaven, you're never going to sin again, right? So if the day of Christ is some day that's after the rapture, it's some future day beyond the rapture, why would we have to be worrying about being blameless on that day if we've already been in heaven for months or years? We've already been blameless for a long time because we've already been changed. Okay, but we want to be blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, meaning that between now and the rapture, between now and the second coming, between now and the day that Jesus Christ comes in the clouds, we need to worry about being blameless, okay? So that when that day rolls around, everybody getting this? When that day of Christ rolls around, when Jesus comes to God, on that day, we want to be found blameless and say, hey, I made it to the end blameless. You know, and again, we're not talking sinless. There's a difference between blameless and sinless. For example, to be the pastor of a church, the qualification is that you must be blameless, not sinless. Otherwise, no one would be qualified, okay? But blameless, meaning that there's no obvious major thing that somebody could point to and blame you and they say that the ministry be not blamed. You know, if somebody says, hey, your pastor's a drunk, your pastor's an adulterer, your pastor is an extortioner, okay? Those are the type of things that would not be acceptable for a pastor. And so he says, you know, we want to be blameless on the day of Christ. God's going to continue the good work he began in us until the day of Christ. Why? Why is he not going to carry it on beyond that? Because once the day of Christ is done, because then we're going to be in his image. Then we're going to be in his likeness and a moment in twinkling of an eye will be changed. So the King James Bible says that there's a deception out there to tell you that the day of Christ is at hand. And the Bible says not to let any man deceive you about that because that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. Has the man of sin, the son of perdition been revealed? No, therefore the rapture cannot happen at any moment because those things have to happen first. Now you say, oh, it doesn't matter. Not a salvation issue. Well, then why did he say, let no man deceive you by any means? Why didn't he say, let people deceive you about this because it's not that important. Don't let him deceive you about salvation issues. But when it comes to the rapture, just let people deceive you and tell you that it can happen at any moment because it's not that big of a deal. Is that what he said? Now he said, don't allow people to deceive you on this. And he, and he clearly says that any, and by the way, the pre-trib rapture is not just a mistake. It's a lie. It's a deception because the Bible doesn't say, let no man discombobulate you by any means. He said, no, let no man deceive you by any means. So if somebody tells you that Jesus is coming at any moment, they are deceiving you. They are a deceiver. Now I'm not saying that they're intentionally deceiving you because they might just be like a parrot repeating what they've heard, but they are still a deceiver. I mean, that's like saying, well, it's, you know, that Catholic priest is not a deceiver because he's just doing what he was taught, you know, by, by, uh, Friar Tuck or whatever in his Catholic monastery. But wait a minute, he is a deceiver because by repeating the deception, you become a deceiver yourself. That's why we need to study to show ourselves approved so that we don't accidentally inadvertently repeat deception and repeat lies.