(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It's pretty obvious. So the question is, who is taken out of the way so that the man of sin can be revealed as Antichrist? Who is being taken out of the way? Now those who believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture, they think this is like a mad lib, where you know, you just insert a noun. Who knows what mad libs are? You know, you just, give me a verb, give me a noun, give me an adjective. They think they can just put whatever noun they want in he. Give me a noun. The Holy Spirit. That's what they say. Now here's the problem with putting the Holy Spirit there. Number one, the Holy Spirit's not mentioned anywhere in this passage, anywhere near this passage. So how can you say that he is referring to the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit has not been mentioned whatsoever? That's ridiculous. I mean, you might as well put Mickey Mouse in there if you're just going to put people in that aren't even mentioned in the passage, okay? But here's the other problem with that. Number two is that the Holy Spirit is God. So you can't just take him out of the way. I mean think about how ridiculous that is. Yeah, let's just get the Holy Spirit out of the way and then we get, how do you get him out of the way? He's God. I mean, it's blasphemous to say you're going to take him out of the way. He's God. He's everywhere. Whither shall I flee from thy spirit? If I ascend into heaven, behold, thou art there. If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. God's Spirit is everywhere. So to say it's going to be rude. And here's what they say, well, the Holy Spirit's going to be taken out and if the Holy Spirit's taken out, since the Holy Spirit dwells in believers, that means all the believers are going to be taken out, so therefore this is the rapture. I mean it's a lot of logical leaps to say, well, the he is the Holy Spirit. Was there an antecedent? No, but just shut up and believe it because I said so. But anyway, the Holy Spirit is the he and since the Holy Spirit's inside the believers, well then, you know, we can't stay if the Holy Spirit's gone. And look, I'm telling you, I've sat in a pre-trib church for five years where the pastor said about once a month, literally, when the Holy Spirit's taken out, I'm taken out. And that was pretty much the only teaching he gave on the pre-trib rapture. He never could prove from the Bible that it's pre-trib. He'd just say, you know, if you're calling Jesus a liar because he said it could happen at any moment and when the Holy Spirit's gone, I'm gone. Amen, amen. It was just always like, when the Holy Spirit's taken out, I'm going to be taken out. So this is their big proof text right here. He who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way. And he said, well, he who letteth, that's who allows things to happen, the Holy Spirit, that's not what let means. Let means to hinder, okay? This isn't the 2015 texting language definition of let, okay? Where you let someone do something. No, no, this is actually letteth, which is an older definition, which still exists today, but let means to hinder and it's parallel with the withholding. Now you know what withholdeth, you know, he who now letteth will let until he's taken out of the way. He's no longer hindering anything because he's taken out of the way, whoever this is. So they say, well, it's the Holy Spirit. If you look up the Scofield reference Bible, it says, this can be none other than the Holy Spirit being removed and he dwells in the church. So when the church is removed in the rapture, the Holy Spirit's being removed. Here's the problem with that. Number one, the Holy Spirit's not mentioned. Number two, the Holy Spirit's God, so you don't just remove him. And number three, if removing the believers somehow removes the Holy Spirit, okay, well, what about all the people that they claim are going to be saved after the rapture that they call the tribulation saints? How are these people getting saved without the Holy Spirit? Can somebody explain that to me? Even the Holy Spirit is necessary for you to be saved. The Holy Spirit is the one who quickens you and saves you. No one can be saved without the Holy Spirit. So to sit there and say, well, the Holy Spirit's removed from this earth, well, then how can anyone be saved? But yet they claim that all these people are going to be saved. And you know what? Here's the thing. There will be people saved after the rapture. After the rapture, there's going to be the 144,000, the two witnesses, and people will be saved through the power of the Holy Spirit. The only way anybody's ever gotten saved through the Holy Spirit who works through the Word of God. So this teaching is ridiculous to say it's the Holy Spirit. And it's borderline blasphemous, like you're just going to take God out of the way. Yeah, get him out of the way. God doesn't just get taken out of the way. I mean, if God does something, he chooses to do something. Somebody else doesn't, you know, get him out of the way, as it were. That's a really weird way to talk about God. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.