(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) When I'm reading these verses in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, I'm always looking for connections because sometimes it seems like he's changing the subject so fast, so I kind of look for connections. And I was thinking about a connection between verse 9 and verse 10, where it says, Say not thou what is the cause that the former days were better than these, for thou didst not inquire wisely concerning this. And the person who's really down on our generation or down on our time, this could lead you to be an angry person if you constantly feel like things used to be better. This always blows me away. And look, I dislike creepy Uncle Joe just as much as everybody else does. But here's the thing. People post these pictures showing like, these were the gas prices under Trump and these are the gas prices under creepy Uncle Joe. And so, you know, now look, obviously Biden is wicked, OK? Obviously it's going to cause inflation when you're just giving out trillions and trillions of dollars. And, you know, I mean, just the money he gave me alone should bankrupt the government, you know, because it gets paid per kid, huh? Brother Dickon, huh? Yeah. You know, you know, all those birth control sermons are starting to pay off those. You know, people are like, God bless Pastor Anderson for teaching me this. Sometimes people are like, why did Pastor Anderson teach me this? But now it's like, thank you. Thank you, new IFB for this teaching. But the thing is, the thing that's so stupid about that is that every single president, there are times when the gas prices are really high and when they're really low because the gas prices fluctuate wildly. I mean, come on. Has the gas hit $4 a gallon here in Arizona before in the past? It's hit $3.99 and stuff is $4, but that was a long time ago. But you don't remember that. You're posting a picture of $1.75 under Trump and here, you know, $2.75 with, but look, I've seen gas be $7 a gallon in Needles, California because Needles, California, man, that gas up there is always like, wait, like right now it's probably like five or six bucks or something. It's always like way too expensive. But what I'm saying is the gas prices fluctuate, they go up and down. And so, you know, don't get this attitude that says like, oh, things used to be so much better and now they're so horrible. It's a cycle. Life has its cycles, right? You know, or people will say like, oh, you know, in my dad's generation, it was just so easy and they were just rolling in money and everything. But you know what? People living back then, I mean, yeah, some people were rolling in money, like, you know, if you lived in Los Angeles in the 1950s, it was booming, doesn't really necessarily mean that the entire country was booming equally. And then the 50s is kind of an aberration. What about in the 30s? You know, I mean, there's going to be the ups and downs, there's going to be the boom and bust. And so, don't get this attitude that, oh, the good old days, it was so much better than that. You know, we tend to romanticize the past and remember it as being better than it actually was. And it's the same thing with church. You know, you get these people, they don't want to listen to any new preaching, they don't want to get excited about what God's people are doing today in 2021, they don't want to get involved in the revivals that are taking place now, and in the soloning that's happening now, and in the preaching and teaching of today, it's just, oh, man, back in the 70s, back in the 80s, back in the 90s, you know. And they're so into the old IFB, they don't want anything new. Guess what? If you would have been back then, you'd see all the problems with it. Nothing's ever been perfect, okay? So the Bible says that asking why the former days were better than these is a stupid question. You're not inquiring wisely when you ask that. Now it is true that our nation is getting progressively more wicked. But that doesn't bother me, because here's the thing, the darker our world gets, the darker our nation gets, the brighter our light can shine. So I think it's indisputable that 100 years ago, America was a lot more godly than it is now. And that's been pretty steady. I mean, you know, there's kind of two steps forward, one step back, but it's pretty much on a bobsled to hell at this point. You know, I mean, look at all the sodomite pride this month. Look at, you know, we just on the way, we were just coming back from soul winning and there's these billboards. The billboard company itself was advertising sodomy, like nobody even paid for it. You know what I mean? Because it's like, it's one of those ones where it's not advertising anything. It's just the billboard company, Lamar or whatever, just advertising homo month. Obviously things are getting worse, but here's the thing. I don't look at that as, oh, the former days were better than these, because I would not want to be alive at any other time. I want to be alive right now in 2021. I think it's the best time to be a Bible believing Christian right now, because I mean, look at all the tools we have. We've got cars that could take us all these different places to go soul winning. I mean, think about how easy it is to evangelize when you don't have to walk and ride a horse everywhere. You know, we can just hop in the car and drive these. We can hop on an airplane. I mean, I think, I think brother Raymond has probably gone soul winning on all continents in the last like month. That guy gets around. It's like, that wouldn't have been possible in the past. Missionaries used to get on some ship where they're getting scurvy or something, to be on some ship for months and there's not any fresh fruits and vegetables and the water gets tainted and there's rats running around and whatever, to get to some country and then they get there and they got to learn the language and there's no Duolingo. There's no Rosetta Stone. There's no Pimsleur. And I mean, think about, nowadays we could learn the language on our computer. You can learn like any language on your computer, even if you have no one to practice with, you could just learn it and then you could just get on a plane. You could fly there. You could be there in like 24 hours, even the furthest places. You could have your hotel ready to go, rental car, local guide, hire a tour guide off the internet. You could show up. When we go on mission trips, we get the first person saved like less than two hours after the wheels touch the ground. Seriously, when we do a mission trip, people are getting saved the same day we land. It's not like taking months to figure out where we are and how to speak the language and where do we stay and half of us got sick on the way there and some of them died and stuff. We're living in a great time to evangelize this world. Plus, we've got the internet. We've got YouTube. We've got YouTube, amen. We've got Facebook. We've got all these different tools to spread the gospel online. You say, yeah, but there's so much sin, there's so much wickedness, but you know what? It's better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. We could look on a negative side and say, well, America is just so wicked. How can we raise our kids for God in this wicked place? The good thing about our country just being so insanely, absurdly wicked now with what they're promoting is that our kids are less likely to fall for it. Think about it. Our kids aren't going to be like, hey, maybe mom and dad are a little extreme and maybe we should just kind of live the worldly life, because then it's like the worldly life, and it's just so extremely perverse. And here's the thing. You know, if I get up and scream about Romans 1 and reprobates and stuff, it's so easy for them to see that that's true. They're going to quickly see that everything I'm preaching about that is correct because it's getting so weird out there. When I get up and scream, oh, these homos are a bunch of pedophiles, they don't have to believe that by faith anymore, because now they're just actively targeting children and having the drag queen story hour or whatever. You know, I just saw this week the country of Hungary. My wife is half Hungarian. And I've been declared an honorary Hungarian by my father-in-law, by the way. He explained to me that some of the greatest Hungarians are not necessarily born Hungarian and that I could become a Hungarian by choice. You know, he's not a Hungarian, which is one outwardly in the flesh, you know, it's of the spirit. And so, you know, just as I'm a spiritual Israel, you know, apparently, you know, my father-in-law has declared me to be an honorary Hungarian, but just this week, the country of Hungary in Europe just passed a law, and it was part of an anti-pedophilia bill. They put in an amendment that says you're not allowed to expose children under the age of 18 to LGBT information or propaganda. Like you need to shield them from that, shelter them from that. They're not old enough to understand that. I'm still not old enough to understand it, but anyway, you know, but they're basically saying, hey, these kids could be scarred for life or damaged from being taught these perverse things. And I mean, this is the government in Hungary doing this. I mean, what to God? We had a government like that. And then people wonder why I'm disgruntled with the Republican Party, because that, you know, do be like Hungary, then we'll talk, then you'll get me voting again, maybe. But I'm not going to sit there and say, well, what's the cause that the former days were better? You know, I'm just going to think to myself, you know what, this is the time period that God has put me in. It has its pros and cons. Yeah, it's more wicked, but at least my children can see a clear difference between the people of God and the world. They can see a clear difference between righteousness and unrighteousness. It's pretty easy to tell the difference today. So there, you know, that's at least something. So the way I connect verses 9 and 10 is don't be this bitter person who just is, oh, used to be so much better, church used to be better, the preaching used to be better, America used to be better, you know, so-and-so the restaurant used to be better, find a new restaurant, you know, because here's the thing, if you have that attitude, you're going to become an angry person.