(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) sources of corruption for the modern Bible versions, and I like to call them Sodom and Egypt. These are the two. You know, the Dead Sea Scrolls is basically where Sodom was, and then the rest of it's coming from Egypt. Now we all know about the New Testament, especially if you've seen New World Order Bible versions or if you've studied the subject at all of King James' onlyism, you know that the false corrupt manuscripts are coming from Alexandria, Egypt. What a lot of people don't realize is that there's a false Alexandria, Egypt, Old Testament as well that corrupts modern Bibles like the NIV. Now my whole life I always wondered, whenever I'd be looking in the NIV, at the bottom of the page sometimes there will be a footnote that says, well in the Hebrew it says this. And I always scratch my head thinking to myself, I thought the whole Old Testament was written in Hebrew. I thought you guys are translating from the Hebrew. So why do you, why do you translate it one way and then say, well the Hebrew says something different. And I'm thinking like, I thought you were translating from the Hebrew. Has anybody ever thought about that or wondered about that? But here's the thing, it's because the NIV is not totally translated from the Hebrew. This is the big fraud that nobody talks about. The fact that the King James Bible is translated out of the original tongues. The Old Testament is translated from the Hebrew, the New Testament is translated from the Greek. In fact, when King James authorized this version, that was one of the rules. You know, his 11 rules for the translators, he said you must translate the Old Testament from the Hebrew and the New Testament from the Greek. But did you know that the modern versions, they don't translate the whole thing from the Hebrew? They'll deviate from the Hebrew to go with what's called the Greek Septuagint, which is a Greek translation of the Old Testament. And because they have no faith in the Hebrew Old Testament that we've been passed down, they say, well, we got to go with the older, more reliable, and it's the Septuagint. So they translate from Greek. They translate the Old Testament from Greek in not the whole thing, of course, but in certain places. They deviate from what the Hebrew says and go with what the Greek says. And then they put a little note at the bottom that says, oh, by the way, here's what the Hebrew says that we skipped. Okay, does everybody understand what I'm saying? Now you say, well, what is the Septuagint? What is this corrupt document? The Septuagint is the biggest lie and the biggest fraud, and I'm going to expose it to you right now, because they claim that the Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Hebrew that came about in about 200 B.C. And they say that this thing was translated in 200 B.C. and that the apostles quoted from it, and that's how we know it's the Word of God, because the apostles quoted from it. Who's heard this before? Yeah, lots of people. But in reality, this is not true whatsoever. In fact, there's no evidence of the Old Testament being translated into Greek in 200 B.C. What there is evidence of is only the first five books being translated. And isn't it funny that when they want to show you where Paul quoted from in the Old Testament? Guess what? It's Psalms. It's Jeremiah. Okay, and guess when we have manuscripts of those? Three or four hundred years after Christ. Let me give you the names. Let me tell you, let me see if these names sound familiar to you. The names of the old Septuagint manuscripts that the new versions are going to. Here's the name of one of them, Sinaiticus. Here's the name of another one, Vaticanus. Vatican? Hmm, Vaticanus? Here's another one, Alexandrinus. Those are the three big manuscripts of the Septuagint from three or four hundred years after Christ. And that's supposedly telling us what the Greek translation said 200 years before Christ that Jesus supposedly quoted from. But people lie about this. What it really comes down to is that the Septuagint, quote unquote, that we know today has nothing to do with what was translated in 200 B.C. That's the truth. Now this book right here I have in my hand is the Septuagint, claiming to be the Septuagint. And the reason it's called Septuagint is because supposedly it was translated by 72 Jewish scholars in Alexandria, Egypt. Of course all the historical evidence only points to the fact that they only translated the first five books, Genesis through Deuteronomy. All the evidence from before Christ, that's what it shows. But then you have a guy that comes along a couple hundred years after Christ and his name's Origen. And this guy Origen was such a weirdo that he cut off his own stones. I'll call it what the Bible calls it, his stones. We would call it something else in our modern vernacular. This guy cut off his own stones and thought he was spiritual for cutting them off. Okay. So this is who we're trusting to give us the Septuagint. Because this guy gave us the earliest Septuagint, a couple hundred years after Christ, a guy cuts off his own stones and puts out a book called the Hexapla, which is like a parallel Bible showing different versions, and one of the columns he labeled Septuagint. And it's a corrupt Greek translation that he doctored and altered and changed. And he claims, oh, this is the Septuagint from 400 years ago. But there's no evidence of that. But here's what people have said for years. People have rejected the Septuagint for years as being corrupt. That's why the King James translators didn't use it. They used the Hebrew scriptures. But then the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered and then everything changed. Okay. Now, here's the thing about this. People will lie to you and say, well, this proves that the Septuagint goes back before the time of Christ because it's found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. So it wasn't originated by Origen. But here's what they found at the Dead Sea Scrolls, only scraps of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Now, look, how does that prove that what Origen put out, which included the Apocrypha and all the rest of the Old Testament books, Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, how does that prove anything? We know historically that the first five books were translated into Greek a few hundred years before Christ. And even scholars who look at this book right here will tell you that this was not all translated by one person. It's translated different in different parts. It's clearly from different time periods. But no, no, no, we're supposed to believe. This is what they want us to believe, that this book that I have in my hand was just that this whole book was translated two hundred years before Christ and the disciples quoted from it. I read all kinds of articles where people said, well, you know, people who take the Bible literally have a real big problem now that the Dead Sea Scrolls have discovered the Septuagint, proving that the apostles quoted the Septuagint. And then they show you that the apostles quoted it in Jeremiah and Psalms. But what did they find at the Dead Sea? Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, just scraps, little scraps of Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. What does that prove about Jeremiah? What does that prove about Psalms? Proves nothing. And in reality, the reason why some of the quotes in the New Testament match up with this book, the corrupt, fraud, the Septuagint, is because this is written hundreds of years after the New Testament. So here's what they did. They changed things in this book to match the New Testament, to give this credibility so that people would look at this and say, whoa, this reads just like the New Testament. This must be what the New Testament was quoting from. You got the cart before the horse, my friend. Origen, the pervert, Origen, the Alexandrian false teacher, false prophet, his heresies would be a whole sermon. He produced this piece of junk and he twisted scripture in places and then in other places he conformed it to the New Testament to give it credibility, to make it seem legit. But you will never find, and I know I might be going a little deep this morning, but you will never find, you're not going to find this Greek Septuagint that the apostles are just clearly quoting from before the time of Christ. It's hundreds of years later that this thing comes into existence. And again, I'm not denying that the first five books of the Bible were translated into Greek, but here's the thing, that's not what this book is. This book is hundreds of years later after a guy with no stones messed with it. That's what's going on. And here's the thing about it. This book can be proven to be corrupt in just a few moments. You just start reading it at the beginning and here's just a real quick, easy way that everybody's going to understand just to show you this book's corrupt. Who's ever read through Genesis 5 where he goes through how old everybody was when they had their kids up to Noah and then you kind of did the math? Whoever got out a piece of paper and pen and did the math and added up how long it was from the creation to the flood? How long was it? Yeah, 1656 years, right? 1656 years. It's pretty easy math. We've all done it. You know, you figure that out. Well here's the thing about that. If you do a little bit of digging in that chapter and kind of draw it out on a piece of paper, there's a guy named Methuselah. And Methuselah was the oldest man who ever lived because he lived to be 969 years old. And if you do the math, you'll notice that Methuselah dies the exact year of the flood. The exact year. So people have wondered like, did he die in the flood, did he drown at that age? Or maybe God was waiting for him to die and then he's going to bring the flood. Those are two different views and they both make sense, right? Maybe God's waiting for this guy to die, then he brings the flood. Or maybe the guy drowned and you know, he lived to be 969 and then he drowned. But anyway, when you read it in the Septuagint and you do the same math, you find that instead of 1656 years, it's 2256 years. So they've added, they've padded the numbers to make it 600 more years. Probably because they're in Egypt and the Egyptians had their own mythology so they're probably trying to match the Egypt calendar of how far back things went. So they doctored the numbers. But here's the amazing thing. If you do the math in the Septuagint, this book that I'm holding in my hand right here, this fake so-called origin Septuagint, you'll find that Methuselah dies 14 years after the flood. So this guy, this old man could tread water. I mean, according to this book, you know, the flood's for like a year and he's on some drip flood or whatever, he's like 900 years old. Whatever else, is he a stowaway on the ark? I mean, what's going on? So they messed with the numbers, obviously on purpose. You know, you're not going to make a mistake like that. I mean, they get all the numbers wrong, they change them on purpose. That's not translating. Look, and when you're translating, you don't change numbers. But this translation has Methuselah live an additional 14 years after the flood. That should just show you right here that this thing's a piece of junk and you're only on a few pages into the thing. Not only that, you go to 1 Samuel 17, the famous story about David and Goliath, and verses 12 through 31 are gone, 12 through 31. I mean, I heard it said that Job, I didn't do the counting on this one, the book of Job has 400 verses removed in the Septuagint, 400 verses removed. I mean, this book, I looked up a lot of verses in this thing and you couldn't even hardly recognize them in some places. So this is a really corrupt book. But when you get an NIV, listen to me, I'm closing the sermon. When you go down to the store and you buy an NIV, they are changing things in the Old Testament to follow this book, the Septuagint, this fraud that there's no evidence of being before Christ. Oh, there's evidence that there was a Greek translation of five books before Christ and maybe more books. Maybe there were Greek translations of lots of books. It wouldn't surprise me if there were Greek translations of all the books of the Old Testament, but you know what, not in this format, not in this corruption that is being put upon us today as the so-called Septuagint. When you go down and get a New American Standard, an ESV, it is taking changes from this and then putting a little footnote, here's what the Hebrew says. Well, you know what, let's just put a big footnote on the whole King James Old Testament, this is what the Hebrew says. And in the New Testament, it's what the Greek says. Look, continue thou in the things that you've learned and what you've been assured of. And that's what I'm doing today is just assuring you today that the King James Bible is the word of God, it is the same as what it was thousands of years ago, it's in English, but it says the same thing. And we don't need to go dig up some messed up Septuagint or messed up Dead Sea Scrolls and go to the Hebrew that was buried in the earth, no, we need to go with that which was passed down, that which has been preserved to every generation. And the King James Bible is the word of God. You don't need to learn Hebrew to understand this, you don't need to learn Greek, you don't need to travel over the sea. You don't need to dig down into the earth, you don't need to climb up into heaven, it's near you. It's near us, it's in our mouth, it's in our heart, it's what we preach. It is the word of God, it is the mind of Christ. And isn't it great to have it at our fingertips?