(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I was writing this sermon, I was working on it, and what did I remember but Amanda, the first time that she came to our church, which was the second Sunday that we were in existence, and I remember sitting down with Amanda after church, the first time she was in church, and the first thing I did, as with any visitor, you know, I took her aside and asked her if she knew that she was saved, if she knew that she had eternal life, and boy, she knew that very clearly, and she knew that you could not live, that was the only thing she knew. But she definitely knew that she was saved, and she knew that it was everlasting life, and that she was on her way to heaven. But this is what she said, and she began to cry, and she said, I don't feel like I have any purpose in my life, I don't even know what the point of my life is, why am I here, what is the point of it all, what is the purpose for my life, and I told her, I said, I can tell you, remember this, I said, I can tell you in less than one minute what the purpose for your life is. And she said, well, that's amazing, because the church that I went to for a few weeks couldn't tell me in all that time any kind of a purpose for my life. I said, this is the purpose for your life, and I showed her some of the things that I'm going to show you right now, about what the purpose of your life is. I showed her that the purpose of her life was to glorify God, and I showed her where the Bible says, here it is, my Father glorified that you bring forth much fruit. I said, the purpose of your life is to win as many people to Jesus Christ as you can. I said, that's why you're still here. I said, otherwise, God would have done you a service by the moment that you got saved taking the life out of your body. The Bible says that God holds our breath in his hand. He could have just extinguished that breath like that in a moment, and you could have gone on to glory to be in heaven and escape all the pain and suffering and misery of this life. I said, hey, the reason that you're here, Amanda, is that there are people in this world who don't know that they're going to heaven. They're going to go to hell when they die, unless you bring them the glorious light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I said, that's why you're here. That's your purpose. And she said, that makes sense. She said, I'll be back here tonight, and she was back at the evening service that night. Because I told her, I said, and in the process of you becoming a soul winner, in the process of you becoming a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, preaching the gospel, bringing light to the darkness of this world, becoming a soul winner, I said, you're going to have to clean up your life, too. Because God wants to use a clean vessel. God's Holy Spirit wants to inhabit a holy temple. Did you know that the Bible says your body is the temple of God? And the Bible says, him that defileth the temple of God will God destroy. See, a Christian can't go through life defiling God's temple and expect to be filled with and used by the Holy, Holy, Holy Spirit of God. And so I explained that to her in probably 60 seconds or less.