(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) He had written a book about how to start a church. I was interested. You know, I had just started a church six months ago. I thought maybe I can learn something from what this guy's experiences were. I went on the internet. I didn't get a book. I didn't get paper. I didn't get binding. I bought an electronic version of the book. I mean, it was just the information is what I was paying for. I wasn't paying for the book. And I paid several dollars, I don't remember how much it was, to download this book and read it. You say, well, you were wrong to do that. You know, the Bible says buy the truth. Sell it now. See, that's not wrong with buying the book. Selling the book is who's doing the sin there. Okay. You see, Jesus said, freely you receive, freely give. If I've really found something great in the book of Philippians, I don't want the whole world to know about it. I'm not gonna sell it to you. It'll be free. You can learn it for free. I'm not gonna sell God's word. And by the way, I've heard people pontificating before about how, and I'm not trying to rip on anybody or criticize anybody, of course, because a lot of people just haven't really thought of this or what. But people have said to me, where do you buy your Bible? I said, I don't know, Barnes and Noble? Borders? Sometimes I go to the Bala-Mite bookstore, Christian bookstore. Where do you buy your Bible? I don't know, on eBay? Amazon.com? And they say, well, you know, instead of buying from those worldly publishers, you oughta buy a Bible that's put out by the local church. There's this local church Bible printers and this local church up and so and so, they're selling the Bible over there and you oughta buy it from them. I'm thinking to myself, why would I buy something from church? I'm gonna buy it from a business. You see what I'm saying? But they think it'd be more spiritual to buy your Bible from church. No, it'd be a sin to buy your Bible at church. Are you listening? It'd be a sin to sell the Bible at church because those that bought and sold were making merchandise of God's house. God's house is not big. Now, if a local church wants to print Bibles, praise the Lord, give them out for free. But we can't afford it, then quit printing them. See what I'm saying? I'd rather obey God than to print Bibles. I'd rather walk into Barnes and Noble, pull out money, and pay a businessman for merchandise. Nothing in the world wrong with business, nothing in the world wrong with merchandise, as long as it's not here, as long as you take it hence. Hey, is anybody following this thing? I'm not gonna buy from local church publishers. Oh, this local church. And that's like a buzzword today. Local church, local church. And you know, hey, I'm all about the local church. Except I'm really all about the local church. I'm not just have this local church canopy that like envelops the whole world. This whole worldwide canopy develops Christian school, bookstores, Bible colleges, print shops, you know, this, that, the other. No, my canopy's not that big. My canopy's like a personal umbrella. That's how big my canopy is, okay? If you crowd real close to me, you get under it. I mean, that's about how big it is. But Bible college, it's the same thing. Bible college is not part of the local church. The church is not assembled, it's a business. You say, well, no, wait a minute. Because I've said this to people. I said, you know, if a young man wants to be trained to preach, he should be trained in the local church. And by the way, we got people in this church right now that have learned how to preach, that are learning how to pastor, that are learning how to lead the singing in this church. How are we doing it? We don't have a Bible college. It's the house of God. We're training young men to do just that. But let me ask you something. You say, well, wait a minute, though. Bible college is being trained by the local church as long as you're going to a Bible college that's under the canopy of the local church. Like Hyles Anderson, or Golden State Baptist College, or West Coast Baptist College. These are under the authority of a local church. They're under the canopy of the local church. They're an arm of the local church. You're being trained by the local church. I have the same question. Then why do you have to pay money to get to training? Oh, Pastor Anderson, will you teach me how to pastor and preach? Sure, it'll cost you a couple hundred bucks, though. Sure, I'll teach you how to preach. You want to preach like me? You got a couple hundred bucks? I'll show you how to do it. Who's got a couple hundred bucks? Let's auction it off. You want to learn how to lead the singing? Down, in, out, up. Down, in, out, up. All right, for the four, four, and the three. Down, out, up. Down, out, up. You're learning the secrets of my song leading. You owe me money after the service, okay? No, no. If it's church, it's free. If it's not free, then it must not be church. And if it is church and it's not free, you're making merchandise of church. Is anybody listening to me? That's what I'm saying tonight. I'm saying either it's church and it's free, or you're not right with God. If it's not church, then why isn't the church training preachers? Why is this building, this institution, this Bible college training preachers instead of church? Well, it is church. Then why isn't it free? Answer me. You see what I'm saying? It doesn't make any sense. It's just this backward Pharisee IFB looking for some kind of a back door way to say that, well, what we're doing is scriptural. You know? Even though it's not in the Bible and it costs money. People are out to make merchandise to you. I was writing this sermon, sitting in my chair writing the sermon, putting a few finishing touches on it, and I got a phone call. Let me close with this. I got a phone call from my little sister. Now, my little sister, and look, don't get mad at me for criticizing people, because you know what? I'm just telling you the truth right now. I'm just exposing you to the truth. If you don't like it, then go put your head in the sand somewhere. This is reality. I'm gonna tell you the truth right now. Okay? I got a phone call right before the service, and you know, I was working on this sermon, and my sister, she didn't know what I was preaching. We weren't talking about any of this. My little sister called me up, and she said, you know what? She said I was up in Oregon, in Portland, Oregon, and she said, I talked to an old friend of mine from Bible college, because my sister went to Bible college for like a year and a half, at Golden Calf Bible College. I'm sorry about that. Golden State Baptist College. Sorry about that. Sometimes I get mixed up. At Golden Calf Baptist College, she was going there in Santa Clara, California, Dr. Jack Treper's College, okay? She went there for, and don't get mad at me, just listen. She called me up, and she went there for a year and a half, and she said, Steve, I was up in Portland, and I went out to lunch with one of my friends from Golden Calf, and she said, when I went out to lunch with her, she said, do you remember a guy by the name of Justin? She said, this guy Justin, remember he used to take our attendance at the chapel services, and he would check us off if we were there, Justin, and she said, I remember that guy Justin. Yeah, I remember him. She said, well, he was just sentenced yesterday, or a few days ago, or weeks ago, or whenever. He was just sentenced for possession of child, you know what, on his computer, pictures, photographs of sodomy, and an FBI agent did a search on the computer, you know, an FBI agent, this is what he searched for. He just searched the word seven year olds. That's what he searched. You listening? He searched seven year olds, and came up with this guy's computer, right? They found the IP address, there's ways that they can track what people are doing on their computer. The FBI, you know, is pretty good at that, and the FBI found on this guy's computer, 277 images of sodomy between, you know, seven year olds and adults. Okay, we're talking about men with men, working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error, which is meat, Romans chapter one. 277 images, okay, on this guy's computer, on his work computer, and his home computer, but guess where he worked? Listen to me now, guess where he worked? Guess where his work computer was, where half of these 277 images were? His work computer was at the Christian school of Grandview Baptist Church, an independent, fundamental Baptist church in Beaver Creek, Oregon, okay? Independent, fundamental Baptist church. He was teaching high school in the Christian school, and while he was at the school teaching, while he was at work, he had on his computer, a pornography of sodomy and pedophilia. This man, this young man, graduated from Golden State Baptist College in Santa Clara, California in 2003, okay, listen to me now. He graduated in 2003, my sister told me this, she said, if you looked at this guy, you would not know that he was weird. She said, in fact, when she said Justin, I went back to my yearbook to try to figure out who this was. She said, I didn't even, I almost didn't even Google his name, because she said, I thought, well, it couldn't have been that guy. He was a normal guy, married, by the way. He was a sodomite. She Googled his name, the FBI reports came up, and all the information came up. I Googled his name, I didn't take her work for it. I Googled his name, I typed in, what was his name? Justin Gillen, okay, I typed in his name, and pulled up, sure enough, the FBI report was there. He graduated in 2003.