(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Obviously, I didn't watch the halftime show, but there's all these news articles about it and everything popping up. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seemed like even worldly people were saying that it was obscene and that it was pornographic. People that aren't even claiming to be a Christian, just worldly, unsaved people were saying, this is pornographic, this is sleazy, this is horrific. How could we let children and teenagers watch this? And I saw a statistic. It was watched by like 100 some thousand people that were tuned into this, or I'm sorry, 100 million people, 100,000 is like, oh, wow, no, no, no, it's 100,000 people now. Yeah, right. No, it was literally like, I think it was like 112 million people. Sorry, I'm tired, okay. There were 112 million people tuned into this thing. And I wonder how many five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10-year-olds, 11-year-olds, 12-year-olds are watching this garbage, this filth, this stupidity, okay? And they're just watching this. First of all, the music itself is just complete crap. It's basically like if it were food, it would be like a Twinkie. Seriously. Like if you were to compare it to a food, it would be like just the nastiest fast food cheeseburger or whatever. You know what I mean? Just this greasy, hydrogenated soy, whatever. I mean, I'm just saying like even just from an artistic standpoint, okay, this pop music that they're playing is just junk because I'm reading about it. It was listing like all the songs they sang and I'm like, so the show lasts like 15 minutes? How do you do 15 songs in 15 minutes? Or whatever. It was like listing all these songs. I'm thinking to myself like basically all of these songs are such garbage, you can't even listen to them for more than like 60 seconds, you got to switch to a different song. It's like ADD music or something. You know what I mean? It's just, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then like I read all these different articles and every article is showing a different aspect. I'm like how many halftime shows were there? It looked like there were like 15 different halftime shows because it's just like, oh, and then this person came out. I'd rather listen to one good song for 15 minutes, but this is all just this cotton candy, twinkie, fast food junk that's just, it's artistically bankrupt. Not to mention the fact that it was just downright just pornographic and just sleazy and you know, just imagine these seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12 year olds watching this stuff, prepubescent children that should be innocent, like they shouldn't be exposed to these things. They shouldn't even know that such things exist. And what are they thinking? You know, those little girls are thinking, oh, this is what it means to be a great woman. Isn't that what they're thinking? They're basically looking at that and saying like, oh, this is a role model. Look, everybody's cheering. Everybody's worshiping. I saw all these images of men like bowing down to these sleazy musicians, literally like worshiping them like on their knees, literally. I mean, you want to talk about worshiping the golden calf. How about worshiping the golden grandma that's out there gyrating her body half naked. These be thy gods. They're literally bowing down and worshiping. It's disgusting. And one of them showed an image like she has her arms out, like she's on the cross or something, like trying to take the place of Christ, okay. You know, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, you know, this, the serpent is up there, you know, replacing Christ, being worshiped, being sleazy and sensual. And you know what? Little children are seeing that stuff and their minds are being programmed. That stuff makes an impression on you. Like when you see that stuff as a little kid, like little kids, have you ever seen a little kid watch something on TV? They're just like... That's how kids watch videos, don't they? They're just like a blank piece of paper, like a sponge, just soaking it all up. And you know, the devil wants to pervert our young people. And he's like, oh, you know, we're just watching a football game, just watching sports. And then that's what he really wants to get them to watch. Not to mention I read that there were also some queer commercials during the thing or something or transvestite commercials or whatever. But the point is, that's just the kids under 12. Their minds are being corrupted and perverted in ways that we can't even understand, watching just this sleazy, sensual garbage. And then not only that, what about the teenagers? You know, they're watching this stuff and basically these boys are being taught, oh, this is the kind... This is attractive. This is what they're being taught to lust after. And then the girls are being taught to emulate that and to dress like that and act like that and just to basically have no shame. And so look, when Baptists say, hey, that we're against the dancing, it's not that we're against dancing. At least I'm not against dancing, if it was the right kind of dancing. But you know what? We're talking about shaking their body and gyrating. You know what they're basically doing? They're basically pantomiming fornication is what they're doing. When we say we're against dancing, we're basically against men and women miming fornication because that's what they're doing. And if that's what dancing is, then yeah, because you say, well, the Bible says there's a time to dance. Yeah, but there's no time to shake your booty, okay? That's not in Ecclesiastes.