(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'm so hateful that that's why I was out giving people the gospel from door to door today. Preaching the good news of salvation for Jesus alone. Boy, those of you who go to our church, it's such a hateful place. That's why everybody's always smiling and happy. But yet, the Southern Poverty Law Center has officially classified Faithful Word Baptist Church as a hate group. I mean, when are they going to send me a plaque that I can put on the wall? You know, that's what I'd like to know. Where's my trophy? Where's my plaque? I thought it was like J.D. Powers or something. He gave us an award. But no, we're a hate group. Because hate's bad. Murder's okay. It's okay to kill babies. That's okay. But don't hate. Shame on you. It's okay to kill innocent people. It's okay to bomb civilians. It's okay to drop bombs on civilian cities, right? But don't hate. This is the world we live in. I guess all is fair in love and war. But guess what? That's not a verse from the Bible. And so they say, oh, hate's wrong. Well, let's see what hate means according to the Bible. Because see, I love how the Bible is its own dictionary. And that's what I'm trying to express to you tonight. Instead of running to a dictionary or a theologian, use the Bible as its own dictionary. If you want to know what tribulation means, just look up all the times God said tribulation. You'll see what it means. If you want to know what conception is, just look it up in the Bible. And if you want to know what hate is, just look it up in the Bible. Look at Hosea 9.15. All their wickedness is in Gilgal. This is God speaking. For there I hated them. Well, God doesn't hate anybody. Well, I could show you about 25 verses that say that he does, and this is one of them. But then just in case you're going to try to twist and rest the Scriptures to your own destruction and twist God's Word, he goes on to say, for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of my house. And he wasn't talking about in a pickup truck, by the way. He says I'll drive them out of my house. And yet today we believe that everybody's welcome in church. God said that there are people who should be driven out. God said put away from among yourselves that wicked person when there was a man who was fornicating with his stepmother in the church in 1 Corinthians 5. He said throw him out of the church. It says right here, I will drive them out of my house. I will love them no more. All their princes are a voice. God loves everybody. Then why are people burning in hell right below my feet right now?