(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But another reason why people are sick is just through abuse of their own body, not taking care of themselves. Not even a spiritual or supernatural reason. They're just sick because of the cause and effect of the lifestyle that they live. Look at Proverbs 19 2. The Bible says also that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good. And he that hasteth with his feet sinneth. The foolishness of man perverteth his way, and his heart fretteth against the Lord. So many times we fret against the Lord, and we blame the Lord on things that we've brought upon ourself. The foolishness of our own way perverts us, and then we fret against the Lord, well it's not his fault. And some people today are sick and ill, and they're saying, why is God doing this to me? And in reality it has nothing to do with God, it has to do with the unhealthy lifestyle that they live. The Bible talks about people becoming sick because they ate too much honey. The Bible talks about people becoming sick because they drank too much alcohol. The Bible talks about people becoming sick and vomiting because they ate too much food in the first place. You know, if we abuse our bodies, it shouldn't surprise us that we become sick, that we become ill. And people today, they go out and they eat a diet of junk food and trash, they don't get any exercise, they don't get any fresh air and sunshine, they don't take care of themself. You know, you're going to get sick doing that. I mean, it's just a simple cause and effect. If you push the button, the light bulb's going to come on. And if you live a lifestyle that is abusive to your body, then obviously you're going to get sick as a result. And I've noticed, when I was younger, I used to eat a horrible diet of junk food and just constant fast food, sweets, and everything like that. And you know what, I got sick all the time. And I've noticed that as I've gotten better about what I eat and eating healthier foods, I've noticed that I've gotten sick a lot less. Now I don't think it's a spiritual phenomenon that I'm witnessing there. I don't think it's that, well, I was just really living in sin and God was chasing me and now he's not. Or, you know, God was for the glory of God. No, I think it was just a physical phenomenon of just eating a lot of junk food. You're going to get sick. You're not getting any nutrition and you know, you got to go to the Bible and get some advice on what kind of food you should be eating.