(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Think about when you talk to Seventh-day Adventists. All they want to talk about is what? Saturday. Saturday. Saturday. Hey, I got news for you, Seventh-day Adventists. The word Saturday does not exist in this book. The word Saturday is not even mentioned one time. Can somebody show me the word Saturday in this book? Well, the Seventh-day. Well, it depends on when you start counting, amen? If you start counting on Monday, then Sunday is the Seventh-day. If that makes you feel better. I'm fine with Sunday being the first day, amen? The disciples met on the first day of the week. But you know what? If you're so worked up about the Seventh-day, just start counting on Monday, and shut up, and go soul-winning, and go to church, and quit emphasizing something that's never even mentioned. Amen. Ah, it's Saturday. Really? Have you ever been to Europe? Because in the whole continent of Europe, the week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. How is it in Canada? Does it start on Sunday or does it start on Monday? Sunday to Saturday. That's how we are in the U.S., Sunday to Saturday. In Germany, it's Monday to Sunday, the weekend. But the point is, why would you base your whole life, why would you base your whole ministry on something that the Bible does not emphasize? Is that what the Bible is saying over and over again in the New Testament? Hey, make sure you have church on the right day of the week. I'd rather go to a godly, soul-winning, righteous church that meets on a Tuesday, right? Than to go to some dead-as-a-doornail, liberal church that meets on Sunday. I'd rather go on Tuesday. I'd go to the one that meets on Thursday if they're emphasizing what God emphasizes. But people are getting hung up. The Seventh-day Adventist, they're hung up on a day of the week. The Catholics are hung up on Mary. The Jehovah's Witnesses are hung up on one of God's names, Jehovah. That's all they want to talk about. Hey, let me talk to you about Jesus. Let me talk to you about his death, his burial and resurrection. Well, wait a minute. Turn to Psalm 83. Wait a minute. What day of the week do you go to church?