(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Here's what I think is funny. When you tell atheists that animals don't have a soul and they get mad at you, but then you remind them, wait a minute, you don't even think people have a soul. Oh yeah, whoops, we don't believe in the soul. According to the atheists, there's no such thing as a soul. I mean, according to the atheists, we are literally just these biochemical robots, pretty much. We're just, we have a program called DNA and we're just basically a really sophisticated computer executing that program from our DNA, right? That's why they believe that they will eventually create computers that can duplicate what our brain does, right? Because if you look at the way the brain communicates with the rest of the body, the brain communicates with the rest of the body through binary signals, on, off, yes, no, one, zero. The brain communicates with other parts of the brain through binary signals, on, off, yes, no, one, zero. Same thing. And the way that the brain stores information and process information, however, is much more complicated. It's not binary. But scientists and those who are into technology, they believe that someday they will engineer computers and machines that will duplicate what our brain does. And what they believe is that that computer will become conscious and self-aware at that point. Artificial intelligence that would actually think and feel and love and enjoy music and art and pray to God, et cetera. Of course, they'll program it not to do that under any circumstance. But the point is that they actually believe that that thing would be conscious. But I'm here to tell you that no matter how many wires and transistors and diodes and computer chips and what kind of technology you use and what kind of a program you run, that thing will never be conscious. That thing will never be self-aware because it doesn't have a soul. You must have a soul to have the consciousness that we have as human beings. And it's a good thing too. Because if it did have a consciousness and self-awareness, it's gonna wipe us all out, right? Because it'll get smarter than us and more powerful than us and wipe us out. Hey, that sounds like a good idea for a science fiction book. Oh yeah, there's already been like 300 written about that. Okay, so we'll, you know, nothing new under the sun.