(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It's referring to three and a half years or three and a half periods of time because time is one, right? Then we have times and then a half a time. So what's one plus two plus a half? Three and a half. And I'll show you that a little bit later in the sermon how time and times and half of times is used synonymously with three years. Now it says that there will be a time and time and half of times at the end of verse 10 there and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. And that's similar to the statement in Revelation 10 where he says the mystery of God should be finished as he had declared to his servants the prophets. You say Pastor Anderson, I don't understand anything that you just said. Well join the club because Daniel didn't understand it either because it says in verse number eight, and I heard but I understood not. So if you don't understand what I've just explained, well neither did Daniel at that time. And hopefully you'll understand it by the end of the sermon tonight. It says I understood not, then said I, oh my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? Verse nine. And he said, go thy way Daniel for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Now I've got good news for you though. We're living in the time of the end because in Revelation chapter 22 at the very end of the book of Revelation, the Bible says in verse 10, and he said unto me, seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. So at the end of the book of Daniel, Daniel said, I don't understand these things. And God said, go thy way Daniel, seal up the words, it's not until the time of the end. At the end of Revelation he says, seal not the sayings of the prophecy of the book, for the time is at hand. And so we today, with the book of Revelation in our hand, can understand what Daniel failed to understand in the book of Daniel. So the fact that I just read it to you from Daniel chapter 12 and you're scratching your head having trouble understanding it makes perfect sense because he didn't understand it either. But when we combine it with the book of Revelation, it will make sense and you will understand. And if Daniel would have had the book of Revelation available to him, he would have understood it too. Okay? Verse 10, many shall be purified and made white and tried, but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand. So God is saying, look Daniel, you don't understand this now, but at the time of the end people will understand it. But is he saying that everyone's going to understand it at the time of the end? No. He's saying the righteous will understand it in the time of the end, but none of the wicked shall understand. So in order to be able to understand biblical prophecy, you know what, the first thing you got to do is be saved. And a lot of people, the reason they don't understand biblical prophecy is because they're not saved. Because the Bible says the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God for their foolishness unto him, neither can he know them because they're spiritually discerned. And I often find that when someone's very confused about biblical prophecy and cannot understand basic simple truths, and I know tonight's sermon is not that basic, but other sermons that are really basic on Bible prophecy and it goes right over their head, you know, then you talk to those same people about salvation and they're wrong on salvation. They don't believe it's by grace through faith. They don't believe that everlasting life is the gift of God to whosoever believeth. And then it makes perfect sense why they don't understand because they don't have the Holy Spirit inside them to teach them and to guide them.