(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Oh, but you know, he did something really bad. I mean, I know that there's no verse in the entire Bible that actually says what he did was a sin, but I bet all the new IFB guys just get defended. I mean, I know there's no verse in the entire Bible that says that what he actually did was a sin, but you know, I mean, you know, come on. And you know what? Obviously, I get it. I understand that, you know, things aren't always appropriate, you know. I mean, look, I'll put it to you this way, you know, I get it, that there's a time and a place and things can be appropriate or inappropriate, but you know, I'm not going to stand in judgment of him, and I don't even care. Quit messaging me about it, you know. Stop forwarding that crap to me, amen? You know, I don't care. Nuts to you.