(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, if you would flip over to Romans chapter 1. Actually, before we go to Romans 1, go to Hebrews 6. Hebrews chapter 6. And here's the thing. Some people will twist what I'm saying, and it's funny because I don't really even think that they don't understand me because what I'm saying is so clear. I think that they're pretending to not understand and twisting my words on purpose because I don't think anybody could really walk away from this sermon or walk away from other sermons that I've done on the subject and not understand what I'm saying because I'm just I'm going over it and over it making it so clear but people always twist this and here's how they twist this. Well, you're saying that if certain people believe on Christ, they won't be saved. Is that what I said? Did I say anything like that ever? No, because what did I show you from the Bible? The people who are blinded and whose hearts are hardened don't believe in Jesus. Does everybody get that? So everybody who believes shall be saved. Let's just start there. The Bible says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. The Bible says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. So there's no question that every single person who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ is saved. No question about that at all. Look, there are 7.4 billion people in this world. If one of them truly believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and goes to hell, then John 3 16 is a lie. Then all the other hundred some verses that teach salvation by faith are a lie. The Bible is not a lie. God cannot lie. And the Bible tells us over and over again that those who believe on Jesus Christ are saved. Here's the thing about the reprobate. The reprobate doesn't believe in Jesus. And people can ask the question, well, what if a reprobate believes in Jesus? Folks, that's what a reprobate is. Someone who can't believe in Jesus. That's the whole point. They are a reprobate because God has blinded their minds and hardened their hearts. And so they can't believe as a result. If they believe, they'd be saved. You know, people ask the question, well, you know, if a homo believed in Jesus, would he be saved? Anyone who believes in Jesus would be saved. But here's the thing, the reprobate, which what homos are, by the way, they're not going to believe because they can't believe because their minds have been blinded. Their hearts have been hardened. This is what the Bible says.