(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But forget that, just money in the hands of a fool is just a tool to destroy him. It is a tool with which he will destroy himself. The stupider somebody is and the more foolish someone is, the more money you give them, it's like you're just giving them a rope to hang themself with. It's like you're just giving them firewood to just set themself on fire. I mean, it's the last thing that they need, okay? Because fools, the Bible says the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. And financial prosperity more than anything. Look at Hollywood, look at these people, and especially these young child actors. They all become a heroin addict or a pervert or whatever, because they can't handle, because the Bible says foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, and then you give a child all this prosperity and money and they can't handle it. You know what is better according to the book of Proverbs than gold and silver and rubies? What is it? Wisdom.